The True Adventures of Charlotte Doyle by Avi
Chapters 15 and 16
# Why do the sailors have to go aloft during the hurricane?  a) To cut away the sails.  b) To see where the clear weather is.  c) Because Jaggery is a jerk.  d) To fix the sails.  e) None of the above.
# As she is climbing the mast during the hurricane, what does Charlotte do on the way up?  a) Drops the knife.  b) Slips and almost falls off.  c) Cuts off her hair.  d) All of the above.  e) None of the above.
# (On whiteboard.) Which "illustration" best shows the situation Charlotte was in in Chapter 15?
# Who saves Charlotte during the hurricane?  a) Hollybrass.  b) Grimes.  c) Keetch.  d) Ewing.  e) None of the above.
# In the diagram on p220, it shows that a brig like the one Charlotte is on would have as many as 14 (or more) sails when it was running.  How many were left after the hurricane?  a) 1  b) 2  c) 4  d) 6  e) 0
# When Charlotte wakes up after the storm, she notices many signs that something strange is going on. Which one is not one of these signs?  a) They let her sleep so long.  b) The main mast is broken.  c) Both watches were on duty.  d) The way the sailors greeted her on deck.  e) All were things she noticed.
# Besides the knife, what is the other piece of evidence that Charlotte killed Hollybrass?  a) Her fingerprints on the knife.  b) Blood on Charlotte's clothes.  c) Jaggery claims to have witnessed it.  d) Hollybrass was holding her handerchief.  e) All of the above.
# Besides a stool for sitting, what is the only other thing in the brig?  a) A bucket of water.  b) A lantern.  c) A chamberpot.  d) A hammock.  e) There isn't anything else.
# For Charlotte, "of all the misfortunes that was the most hurtful to bear." What is that?  a) That she was accused of murder.  b) That Zachariah was dead.  c) That she was in the brig.  d) That the crew had turned against her.  e) None of the above.
# Whom does Charlotte see when she's in the brig? a) Hollybrass.  b) Grimes.  c) Keetch.  d) Ewing.  e) None of the above.

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