The True Adventures of Charlotte Doyle by Avi
(Chapter 19)

   1. Charlotte thought that the reason the crew didn't speak up in her defense was that they thought she really did it.  a) True.  b) False.
   2. During her "trial," why didn't Charlotte tell Jaggery that she thought Zachariah had committed the murder?  a) She didn't think Jaggery would believe her.  b) She felt sorry for Zachariah.  c) She promised Zachariah that she wouldn't.  d) She wanted Zachariah to be able to attempt his plan of reporting Jaggery.  e) None of the above.
   3. What is Zachariah talking about when he uses an old sailors' expression, "the Devil will tie any knot, save the hangman's noose. That Jack does for himself"? (p179)  a) That Captain Jaggery is like the Devil.  b) That Charlotte is going to the Devil for what she did.  c) That if she doesn't tell Zachariah what she knows, she will die.  d) That whoever did kill Hollybrass is going to the Devil.  e) None of the above.
   4. Jaggery knows Zachariah is alive.  a) True.  b) False.
   5. Hollybrass was Jaggery's only friend.  a) True.  b) False.
   6. Charlotte realizes that Jaggery considered three people on the Seahawk threats to his power and control. Which three?  a) Hollybrass, Charlotte, Keetch   b) Zachariah, Charlotte, Keetch  c) Charlotte, Hollybrass, Fisk  d) Zachariah, Charlotte, Hollybrass  e) None of the above.

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