Children's Rhymes

When I was a chile we used to play,
"One-two-buckle my shoe!"
and things like that.  But now, Lord,
listen at them little varmits!

    By what sends
    the white kids
    I ain't sent:
    I know I can't
    be President.

There is two thousand children
in this block, I do believe!

    What don't bug
    them white kids
    sure bugs me:
    We knows everybody
    ain't free!

Some of these young ones is cert'ly bad-
One batted a hard ball right through my window
and my gold fish et the glass.

    What's written down
    for white folks
    ain't for us a-tall:
    "Liberty And Justice-
    Huh-For All."

    Skee! Dadle-de-do!



-Langston Hughes-