In-Text Citation: (first thing in works cited entry [no comma] page [if available])
  1. (Jones 51) -- author known / page
  2. ("Dolphins" 125) -- encyclopedia reference
  3. ("Dolphins" Encarta) -- CD-ROM reference
  4. (DolphinWeb) -- website
  5. ("Dolphins Endangered by Tuna Fishing" C4) -- newspaper/magazine, author not given / page

    ...either way, this means that a student leaving high school after four years has spent more time in front of the television than in the
classroom (Jones 51). The research also shows...

 ...older children watch twenty-five hours a week, and high school students watch twelve to fifteen hours of  television a week (ParentWeb). Another study showed that...

...there are over 75 species of dolphin ("Dolphins" 231), and most of them...