Tuesday, 12/9/14 - Welcome Guest Teacher!
Warm Up. For 2-10, write the word. Use your Vocabulary Homework and a partner. (12p)

- (Copy and complete. 2p) "This pic represents the word __________ because..."
- (Copy and complete. 2p) "This pic represents the word __________ because..."
- fear : pluck :: mourning : _____
- pretty : ugly :: rational : ______
- wander : meander :: rush : _____
- exact : approximate :: nonchalant : _____
- Esteban's project was almost finished, and then his mother started to ______ with it. He was up all night fixing it.
- After a large dinner and two _______ servings of pie, I was a little overly full.
- My friend was such a _______ of information, we called him the Encyclopedia Guy.
- Unless you leave Laguna with some good reading skills, you will _____ in high school.
Reading Charts and Graphs. (p346)
Add to bottom of page. Write the answer. (Total Value: 8p)
4. Every horizontal line on the graph on p346 represents...
5. Many of the satellite photos we see on tv and on the 'net are
provided by the NOAA. What does that abbreviation stand for?
6. On a graph like the one marked A on p346, we read the data... a)
right to left, and bottom to top b) left to right, and bottom to top
c) right to left, and top to bottom d) left to right, and top to
bottom e) NOTA
Trade and Grade w/red pens. (8p)
Reading a Weather Map. (P347)
Add to bottom of page. Write the answer. (Total Value: 16p)
6. What do the alternating bands of shading mean?
7. In this context (p347), the word precipitation means... a) snow b) rain c) ice/hail d) all of the above e) none of the above
8. Which of these is the warmest city on the map (p347)? a)
San Francisco b) Chicago c) Honolulu d) Phoenix
e) Miami
Which of these cities has weather that is most similar to our current
weather? a) San Francisco b) Raleigh c) Salt Lake
City d) Miami e) Dallas
10. According
to the map on p347, about how far is it from San Francisco to Salt Lake
City? a) 350 miles b) 1000 miles c) 1500 miles
d) 750 miles e) You can't tell.
Trade and Grade w/red pens. (8p)
Time? MWA aloud.