Wednesday, 12/17/14
Vocabulary Warm Up. Write the word. You will use words more than once.
  1. moderation : gluttony :: shortage : _____ (Bonus: Use a form of another vocab word from this week's list.)
  2. fruitful : barren :: compliant : ______
  3. He paid the Popple only after being forced to, and even then he did it ______(ingly), grumbling the whole time that it wasn't fair.
  4. (2) When it comes to pizza, I am a bit of a ______, and I always eat a _____ of food.
  5. Alyce did not know that Magister Reese had long watched her, and he had wondered what could so _____ a person so young. How could she be so "damaged?"
  6. "...judging from the words pouring forth from her mouth with none to listen, (she) would not be ________ to talk to Alyce" about Edward.
  7. He was very weak and ______ before he buffed up at the gym.
  8. The 1-10 rating system helps make a class more _______ for the guest teacher.
  9. One of the reasons for emigration from Ireland to the US in the mid 1800's was the famine in Ireland caused by potato _______.
  10. Edward complained of being teased for "being so little and ______ and tied to Cook's skirts..."

RBC - Yellow (p358-359)
Read the essay aloud.
Essential Question:
What is the difference between an argument and an example that supports that argument?

RBC-Yellow Quiz. (10p)
  1. How many opinion "signal words" should you have circled?
  2. Which one is an example of the author's opinion?  a) "...last year we had a 70's theme."  b) "Teachers...feel that Spirit Week should be canceled."  c) "Some students goof around in class..."  d) "...we feel that Spirit Week teaches us to work in groups..."  e) They all are the author's opinions.
  3. Which statement is not supported by facts or examples?  a) "They argue that it interrupts classes..."  b) "...last year we had a 70's theme."  c) "...we wear our school colors..."  d) "Everyone loves spirit week."  e) "Some students goof around in class..."
  4. (2) Which of these should you NOT have written on the PRO side of the chart? Pick 2.   a) "...Spirit week encourages us to be better students."  b) "Such a theme teaches us about culture and history."  c) "...last year we had a 70s theme."  d) "...we wear our school colors and support our basketball team..."  e) "We ask the Harrison School Board to consider our plea..."
  5. Which of these should you have written on the Cons side?  a) "...last year we had a 70's theme."  b) "Teachers...feel that Spirit Week should be canceled."  c) "...students learned how a person dressed during this decade..."  d) "...we feel that Spirit Week teaches us to work in groups..."  e) NOTA
  6. Argument or Example?  "Spirit week also gives us a feeling of pride."
  7. Argument or Example?  "Students spend extra time in the bathrooms combing their hair..."
  8. Argument or Example?  "Spirit Week is a way to show our creativity."
  9. Argument or Example?  "...the school will no longer be a good place to learn."
