"Theme for English B" continued...(+ "Motto")
For each question, on your copy of the poem, copy
the phrase in parentheses, and then circle the line(s) that answer
the question. For numbers 5 and 6, copy the phrase in parentheses,
and then the appropriate answer.
How does Langston Hughes show that, in most ways he is just
like the teacher? ("We're very much alike.")
How does he show that in another very important way they
are very different? ("Very different.")
How does he show that his environment is very important in
making him the person he is? ("We come from different worlds.")
How does he show that, even though we may not always like
it, all humans have an influence on each other? ("Everything makes me what
I am.")
Which of the following quotes best shows what Langston Hughes
is probably trying to tell his teacher?("Message.") a) "That's American."
b) "Being me, it will not be white." c) "I like to work, read, learn, and
understand life." d) "I am the only colored student in my class." e) "although
you're older--and white--and somewhat more free." f) c and e, g) none of
the above.
The idea of America as the ("melting pot") means... a) that
America is a place where people from many cultures can come and still be
Russian or Irish or whatever, b) that America is a place where people from
many cultures come and become "Americans", c) that America is a place where
people from many cultures can come and have their own sections of cities
and neighborhoods, d) a and c, e) none of the above.
How does Langston Hughes show that the "melting pot" idea
isn't really working for him? ("melting pot ain't working for him")
Back to "Theme for English B"
Motto (Answer in notebook.)
I play it cool
and dig all jive.
That's the reason
I stay alive.
My motto,
As I live and learn,
Dig and Be Dug
In Return.
"dig all jive"?
"Dig and Be Dug In Return"?
Do you like? Why/not?