The Giver
- What's Going On Here?
You will write a brief explanation
for what you think is going on in The Giver. Then, your job will
be to find evidence in the book to back up your theory. You may modify
or change your theory at any time, up until we finish the book, but you
must rewrite your explanation. Your explanation should be at least 350
words long, and be written in paragraphs, complete sentences, and etc.With
the evidence that backs up your theory, your paper should be at least 600
words long.
As we read the book, write down
any scenes or lines or other evidence that "prove" your theory. The more
evidence you find, the more convincing your theory is, and the higher your
grade will be. At the end, you will write a brief essay outlining your
evidence, and proving your theory. Of course, no one knows
for sure what is REALLY going on, except Ms. Lowry, but we can judge your
theory by the evidence you present. I would say that no theory could be
considered plausible without at least four pieces of evidence; more would
be better.
The final product would look
like this:
I. What is your explanation for "The Community"? Be sure
to include: Who...are these people? "The Community"?
Where...does the story take place? When...does the story take place?
Here is an example of an explanation.
II. What is your evidence? Remember, for each piece of
evidence, you should be able to explain how it fits your theory. You will
do this in your "proof."
III. Rebut possible objections. What might people say
against your theory? What answer will you have?
IV. Conclusion. Restate your main points.
Rubric for Grading.
*___/5 - Theory clearly stated *__/5 - 5 W's
*__/15 - Punct./grammar/spelling/etc. *___/5 - Plausible *__/10 -
4+ pieces of evidence *__/10 - Well explained *__/10 - Anticipates
opposition/rebuttal *___/5 - Organization *___/5 - Conclusion
*___/5 - Convincing? ** ___/75 - Total
The Giver - What's Up with That Ending?
Many people are "dissatisfied" with
the ending of The Giver. Or they don't get it. What happened? Did
they die? You tell us. In a well organized essay of at least 600 words,
explain the ending of The Giver as you understand it. Make
sure you have read Lois Lowry's speech at the end of the book, to see some
theories others have had.
The final product should look like this:
I. Summarize the ending as it is in the book.
II. State what you think is happening.
III. Explain, in detail, each part of the ending, and
what you think it means. Use evidence from the book to back up what you
IV. Rebut possible objections. What might people say
against your theory? What answers do you have?
V. Conclusion. Restate your main points.
Rubric for Grading.
*___/10 - Ending clearly summarized *__/15
- Punct./grammar/spelling/etc. *___/5 - Plausible *__/10 - 4+ pieces
of evidence *__/10 - Well explained *__/10 - Anticipates opposition/rebuttal
*___/5 - Organization *___/5 - Conclusion *___/5 - Convincing?
** ___/75 - Total