Vocabulary - Definition, POS in notebook due
Wednesday, unless exempt.
tentative, frigid, obsolete, benign, jaunty,
indolent, unnerve, excruciating, intricate, conspicuous
The guests admired the ___________ beadwork on the bride’s wedding gown.
It must have taken that poor Chinese kid hundreds of hours. a) tentative
b) indolent c) intricate d) excruciating e) benign
The sight of the dead snake really ___________(ed) me. a) conspicuous
b) indolent c) intricate d) excruciating e) unnerve
But the snake turned out to be ___________, good for the garden, and didn't
even have teeth a) tentative b) frigid c) intricate
d) excruciating e) benign
Because it had been raining so much, we __________(ly) planned the picnic
for Saturday, also made other plans just in case. a) tentative b)
frigid c) intricate d) requisition e) benign
Due to the __________ temperature, I had to wear a down jacket, beanie,
scarf, gloves, and boots. a) jaunty b) frigid c) intricate
d) obsolete e) benign
My dad’s truck was so ___________ in the parking lot because of it’s vibrant
red color. a) unnerve b) conspicuous c) intricate d)
obsolete e) benign
With a(n) ___________ wave of his hand, the boy rode off on his bike. a)
jaunty b) frigid c) intricate d) obsolete e) excruciating
He spent the summer very _____________(ly), sleeping in every day, doing
almost nothing except lounging by the pool. a) conspicuous
b) indolent c) intricate d) excruciating e) unnerve
My sister was in ___________ pain when she broke her arm. a) conspicuous
b) obsolete c) intricate d) excruciating e) unnerve
Typewriters have become ___________ because everyone now uses computers.
a) jaunty b) excruciating c) intricate d) obsolete
e) benign