Vocabulary Pretest.  The Giver. List 3.
You will use some words more than once. You won't use them all.

   1. After Mr. Shmarty lost his ring at the beach, they _______(ed) through the sand until they found it.  a) enhance  b) wheedle  c) manifest  d) ebb  e) sift
   2. When the pilot flew over the community, it was a serious __________ of the rules, and he had to be released.  a) transgression  b) wheedle  c) manifest  d) intrigue  e) sift
   3. While Mr. Buffy was in training, he took several different vitamin ___________. a) enhances  b) supplements  c) palpables  d) transgressions  e) manifests
   4. Third period tried to ___________ Mr. Coward into postponing the assignment, but Denial is not just a river in Egypt.  a) enhance  b) wheedle  c) manifest  d) ebb  e) sift
   5. Jonas is _____ about the Ceremony of 12.  a) enhanced   b) nondescript  c) apprehensive  d) intrigued  e) supplementary
   6. The new landscaping in front of the house really ___________(ed) its value.  a) enhance  b) wheedle  c) manifest  d) ebb  e) sift
   7. After testing out several kinds of toilet paper, Mr. Sensitive found that one brand was ___________ better than the others for comfort.  a) enhance  b) supplementary  c) palpably  d) transgression  e) manifested
   8. I found your story __________(ing), but ultimately unbelievable.  a) enhance    b) nondescript  c) apprehensive  d) intrigue  e) supplementary
   9. Genevieve's  wardrobe was rather __________ and boring until she went on the show What not to Wear.   a) enhanced    b) nondescript  c) apprehensive  d) intriguing  e) supplementary
  10. Just for a minute, the ghost of Colonel Saunders ___________(ed) itself at the top of the stairs. Then it was gone.   a) enhance    b) manifest  c) ebb  d) intrigue  e) palpable
  11. The class's relief was __________ when Mr. Coward canceled the test. A giant sigh escaped from every student. (Then they woke up.)  a) enhance    b) nondescript  c) apprehensive  d) intrigue  e) palpable
  12. A euphemism for detention might be "__________ behavior training."  a) enhanced   b) nondescript  c) apprehensive  d) intrigued  e) supplementary