Wednesday, 1/7/15
Correct "OG" Quiz if not finished already.
"Vocabulary Warm Up, 1/7/15."
1-10: Write the word. You will use words more than once.
11-12: Write the answer.

- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- The characters in The Outsiders are so realistic, that we _______(ize) with them and their problems. (You will have to change the ending of the original word.)

- Please _______ carefully to the instructions given.
- Which is more important, your genes or the environment you are
raised in? This is often called the nature vs. _____
- The teacher's crabby ________ sort of brought the whole class down.
- The root of this word means "to feel." ______
- In wartime, many supplies we take for granted become scarce, and people start to _____ stuff.
- "Old Glory" was written in... a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person d) 4th person
- The word utopia is a noun. Make it an adjective. _______
- What does this baby's motto mean? (Hint: Think about question #7.) ------------->
Euphemism (n - U FEM ISM):
A "nice" way of saying something (usually) unpleasant.
Examples: passed on = died, sanitation engineer = garbage man, waitress in the sky = flight attendant
- visually disabled =
- involuntary servitude =
- solid waste =
- landfill =
- economically disadvantaged =
- undocumented transborder migrant =
- vertically challenged =
Try making up your own euphemisms for...
a test
talking too much
getting an F
"The Pedestrian" and "The Forecast" p196.
The typical teen spends almost _____ hours per week in front of a screen of one kind or another.
"Ped Quiz." Write the answer.
- The main conflict in "The Pedestrian" is...
- "The Pedestrian" is written in... a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person d) 4th person
- "The Forecast" is written in... a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person d) 4th person
- Which of the following is closest in its theme to "The Forecast"? a) The Midwife's Apprentice b) "The Pedestrian" c) "Old Glory" d) The Outsiders e) "Nothing Gold Can Stay"
- The word forecast in the poem refers to the weatherman's
forecast, but it also adds another meaning for the poem. What else
might the poem be forecasting?
The Giver?!