Quiz of 2014.
Alyce Quiz: ___/16
RBC Quizzes: Green: ___/10 Yellow: ___/10 White: ___/10
Warm Ups: ____/11 ___/10 ___/10

Mental Floss:
reluctant, attribute, blight, barren, begrudge, compliant, glutton(y), stupefied, frail, surfeit
- "Although able to ease a willing baby into the world, she had no idea how to encourage a ______ one."
- "Q
was by far the most beautiful, she thought, even if it could not stand
alone and must be accompanied everywhere by the ____ U."
- He paid the Popple only after being forced to, and even then he did it
______(ingly), grumbling the whole time that it wasn't fair.
- Alyce did not know that Magister Reese had long watched her, and he
had wondered what could so _____ a person so young. How could she be so
- "...judging from the words pouring forth from her mouth with none
to listen, (she) would not be ________ to talk to Alyce" about Edward.
- He was very weak and ______ before he buffed up at the gym.
- The 1-10 rating system helps make a class more _______ for the guest teacher.
- "I am but a poor woman; I'm sure God does not ____ me my little economies."
- When he graduated from Stanford with honors, he had a _______ of choices of where to work. He was in demand by everyone.
- The witnesses didn't call the police because they were ________ to get involved.
- The quote in the paper was ______(ed) to him, but he says he never said it.
- Alyce doesn't realize that she has many good ______(s) like cleverness and curiosity.
- Greedy developers ______(ed) the beautiful meadow with malls and parking lots.
- There are classes for kids of all ages under 18. a) True b) False c) You can't tell.
- You have to be able to swim to sign up for the swim classes. a) True b) False c) You can't tell.
- You have to have your own cleats and shin guards to sign up for soccer. a) True b) False c) You can't tell.
- You have to have your own musical instrument to be in the jazz band. a) True b) False c) You can't tell.
- You have to be able to speak English to participate in the activities. a) True b) False c) You can't tell.
- Which of the activities do(es) not require parental
permission? a) soccer b) swimming c) band d)
band and soccer e) They all do.