4. Burnable.
5. It sucks.
8. A system of measuring.
9. It's hot.
10. Sports performer.
12. carefule attention to detail.
14. It makes things bigger.
19. Enough.
21. A bomb creates this.
22. Light on fire.
23. All of us.
24. It also means measure.
1. Thankful.
2. Serious.
3. Tiny.
6. Something that slows you down.
7. Get in the way.
11. Rewrite (n).
13. Be enough.
15. Rewrite (v).
16. Very careful.
17. Thankfulness.
18. Like a 10a.
20. The noun form of 22A.
23. Caring.
2 Filth--usually 
associated with poverty. 
5 Come out of. 
6 One of its meanings has to do with electricity.
7 To soak in.
1 Very strong in smell or taste. 
2 Wonderful! 
3 Verrrrry skinny. 
4 Read carefully.