Tuesday, 3/17/15.
Bonus: What is St. Patrick famous for that he never really did?
"Warm Up." Copy 1-4.
For # 4, Please cOpy the wordS, circle the one the doesn't belong, and tell why.
- * possibility : impossibility :: confirmation : _______
- * optional : essential :: immediately : _______
- * red : embarrassed :: green : _______
- (3) broccoli, harassment, embarrass, occupation, possession (3 points: 1 for copying correctly, 1 for the correct word, 1 for reason.)

- ** _____ 6. ** _____ 7.** _____
8. ** They took up a collection to help _______ the cost of the party.
9. ** When Los Osos Middle School tried having a 6th grade, they
still ________(ed) them for most of the day to prevent conflicts with
the 7th and 8th graders.
10. ** Many of you have pretended to be sick to get out of stuff, but a _____(c) actually believes he is sick.
11. ** The prefix of this word means under. _____
12. ** The prefix of this word means between. _____
"S, CD, CX Again." Combine the simple sentences into one sentence as instructed. Label each one CD or CX.
- Zoltan forgot his wallet. He couldn't buy broccoli. (CD)
- Ziggy ate a doughnut. His doctor did not recommend it. (CX)
- He had the llama in his possession. It was part of his occupation. (CX)
- He wanted to be affectionate. He didn't want to embarrass the cat. (CD)
Maus Log - 3/17/15
Contrast the two styles of art shown (P142-143 in Meta Maus).
Why do you think he went with the simpler style?
Maus. Finish ch5.