Thursday, 3/19/15 - Lockdown Drill Schedule (per5).
Tomorrow's Test: Spelling (+ warm ups), Vocabulary, SCC, Maus.
Warm Up. * = spelling. ** = vocabulary. No! Do you see it written anywhere!? Yes. Yes.
- (2) I called the *______ director at Google to *_____ my friend for the job.
- (3) My llama told me it was ______* that we not eat *_______ unless absolutely *______. (One order sounds better than the other.)
- (3) The hotel said the room could *________ up to ten people, but when we took *_______ of the room, we found that our *______ of nine people could not fit.
- (2) The *_____ of lightning storms forced the *_______ of the jousting tournament.

- ** ______ (Bonus: Who is this from Greek myth, and what is he being punished for?)
- ** ______
- ** ______
- ** ______
- ** We were completely _____(ed) by the amazing acrobatic performance.
- ** The emperor's armies _____(ed) the surrounding kingdoms.
- ** Their argument probably would have become violent if I hadn't _____(ed).
- ** (2) They separated all the people with _____ to an imaginary _______. (haha)
Lightning Round Test Practice.
- a) personnel b) acclaim c) referal d) all correct
- a) occupation b) recommend c) occurrance d) all correct
- a) committee b) essential c) broccolli d) all correct
- a) summary b) trespassing c) posession d) all correct
- a) accommodate b) embarass c) affectionate d) all correct
- a) harassment b) bulletin c) cancelation d) all correct
- Anja was _____ about not giving up Richieu until it was too late. a) wallowed b) mesmerized c) interceded d) resolute e) NOTA
- Because Zoltan forgot his wallet, he couldn't buy broccoli. a) S b) CD c) CX
- As part of his occupation, he had a llama with a leather jacket. a) S b) CD c) CX
- It seemed essential to eat broccoli, but I watched tv instead. a) S b) CD c) CX
Maus Log - 3/19/15. Collaborative. You will be able to use this on the test.
- (quote) What is one reason Artie says he became an artist?
- (quote) What does Mala say about how "Prisoner..." showed the way things were when Anja died?
- (quote) Find a quote on p109 that shows why Richieu was poisoned.
- How did Vladek and co. get caught in their attic bunker?
- How does Vladek get Anja, Lolek and himself out of the group waiting for the trucks for Auschwitz? (Use a name.)
- What is a kombinator?
- What saved Vladek's life on p118? (Use a name.)
- (quote) What is the symbolism of the pig masks at the top of p125?
- Why are the roads on p125 shaped like a swastika?
- Vladek thinks Mala cares only about...
Chapter 6: Mouse Trap.