Responses for Non-Fiction KBAR

  1.  Why is your topic important?  Why should others read your book?
  2. How is the topic of this book similar to others you have read?  How is it different?
  3. Make a list of what new items you have learned by reading this.  "I LEARNED NOTHING" IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.
  4. What is the main idea of your book?  List three details that support the main idea.
  5. What is the author’s purpose of your book?  Explain how you know.
  6. What pictures, illustrations, diagrams or photographs are helpful?  Explain how/why they help.
  7. Explain why a friend should/should not read this book.
  8. What part of the book was the most interesting?  Why did this stick out?
  9. Would you like to read more books about this topic?  Explain why or why not.
  10. Does the author explain new concepts to you? Give an example.   What are you still unsure of?
  11. Compare and contrast two individuals, events or concepts from the selection.
  12. How is the information that you have read similar or different from other texts, (or what you already know) about the subject?
  13. Explain the point of the author’s writing, and what words or information were used to prove the point?

Responses for Non-Fiction KBAR

  1.  Why is your topic important?  Why should others read your book?
  2. How is the topic of this book similar to others you have read?  How is it different?
  3. Make a list of what new items you have learned by reading this.  "I LEARNED NOTHING" IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.
  4. What is the main idea of your book?  List three details that support the main idea.
  5. What is the author’s purpose of your book?  Explain how you know.
  6. What pictures, illustrations, diagrams or photographs are helpful?  Explain how/why they help.
  7. Explain why a friend should/should not read this book.
  8. What part of the book was the most interesting?  Why did this stick out?
  9. Would you like to read more books about this topic?  Explain why or why not.
  10. Does the author explain new concepts to you? Give an example.   What are you still unsure of?
  11. Compare and contrast two individuals, events or concepts from the selection.
  12. How is the information that you have read similar or different from other texts, (or what you already know) about the subject?
  13. Explain the point of the author’s writing, and what words or information were used to prove the point?