1Question 1: What are school districts doing to educate students about alcohol use and abuse?
4Source 3)   2Alcohol ed. Begins in 2nd grade classrooms. Continues with yearly classroom discussions    through sixth grade. "…Very effective in creating awareness and cultivating a sense of responsibility." (p15)

Source 1, p45) Statistics on the effects of local programs show3increases in DUI arrests and decreases in alcohol-related deaths.  ……..

Source 2, p22-33) Teen Skills Programs at the middle school level…

Source 4, p23) Alateen program in school districts.  Usually counselors request…

Source 4 p30) PTA-sponsored programs: teachers, parents.  What about students????

1.  Write each of your questions on a separate card (or cards).
2.  These are notes from sources
3.  All notes that refer to or help answer the question go on the same card(s).
4.  This is the number of the source where you took the information. This number should refer to your Works Cited list. Be sure to record the page numbers where you found the information.