KEY Outlining Practice #3 KEY
Topic: The History of Basketball
(The list below contains possible sections and subsections of a typical paper on the history of basketball. Try to put each item from the list into the blank outline below.)

the modern game, NBA vs. ABA, James Naismith--the creator of the game, invention and creation of the game, the first leagues, the game today (and tomorrow), the first organized games, a progressing game, first rule refinements, the first professional leagues, early coaching greats, today's greats, college rules, 24 second clock, basketball more popular than baseball?, the future of the game, pro rules, the first college teams, 3-point line, rules and rule changes, early player greats, the first games

I.Invention and Creation of the Game
    A.James Naismith; Creator of the Game
    B. Early Games
II.Rules and Rule Changes
    A.The First Rule Refinements
    B. A Progressing Game
        1. College Rules
        2. Pro Rules
            a. 24 second clock
            b.Three-Point Line
III. The First Leagues
    A. The First Organized Games
    B. The First College Teams
    C. The First Professional Leagues
        1. Early Player Greats
        2. Early Coaching Greats
IV. The Modern Game
    A. NBA vs. ABA
    B. Basketball More Popular Than Baseball?
    C. The Game Today
        1. Today's Greats
        2. The Future of the Game