Outsiders Final Project Options.
Remember! No matter which option you choose, your main purpose is to demonstrate your knowledge of the events and themes of the book.


Option 1: Book Cover! Include original front cover art, a one paragraph summary and at least 3 original review "blurbs" on the back.
Put the answers to the two questions on the flaps of the book cover.
#1: Convince someone that he/she should read this book. Also, use examples from the book to show what lessons he/she might learn from it. (150+ words)
#2: Does this book have an optimistic or pessimistic view of life? Explain why you think so using examples from the book. (150+ words)

Option 2: Add another Chapter!
  • Use Ms. Hinton’s style / Ponyboy as a first-person narrator.
  • Dialogue modeled on the real thing.
  • Could take place at (almost) any point in the story.
  • 800+ words.
  • Believable.
Option 4: Newspaper, ca. 1967!
Minimum Requirements:
  • at least 2 stories related to the novel (per person)
  • at least 2 stories related to events of 1967 (per person)
  • at least one other feature (per person)
  • at least 4 pics
  • Make it look like a newspaper.
  • Cite where you got your pics.
If you want to work with a partner, you must choose this option, and requirements are doubled.
Option 3: Book Review.
     The Outsiders is usually one of my students' favorite books. They like it because of the action, suspense, and most of all, the realistic characters. Write an essay in which you evaluate The Outsiders. Be sure to define what you mean by a "good" book, and offer several reasons that show why this book fits your criteria. Be sure to cite at least one example from the book to illustrate each reason you give. Also be sure to anticipate any arguments your reader might have. ("I know you're going to say...") Show at least two scenes from the book.  600-800 words.
Option 5: Who are the Outsiders?
     S.E. Hinton never used the word outsider in the novel. Obviously, she wants us to ponder whom the outsiders are. Write an essay in which you explain whom she may have meant by the Outsiders. Be sure to define what you mean by an outsider, and explain whom you think Ms. Hinton meant. Be sure to use several examples from the book to justify what you say. Be sure to state your thesis ("________ are the Outsiders") early in your essay. Length: at least 650 words.

Rubrics for Outsiders Projects
Book Cover (60)
  • 15 points per question -- (30)
    • about 150+ words
    • uses examples from the book
    • question answered fully
    • shows understanding of the novel
  • Completeness -- (5)
    • cover pic (original)
    • at least 2 original blurbs
    • summary of at least a paragraph
  • Quality -- (25)
    • summary quality
    • originality/creativity
    • presentation
    • spelling/punctuation
    • effort
Newspaper (75)
  • Completeness (20)
    • at least 2 stories related to the novel (per person)
    • at least 2 stories related to events of 1967
    • at least one other feature
    • pics
  • Quality (25)
    • originality/creativity
    • presentation
    • spelling/punctuation
    • effort
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the novel (25)
    • themes
    • events/characters
    • examples
  • Above and beyond (5)
    • Award up to 5 more points for anything exceeding the above requirements.
Extra Chapter (75)
  • Quality (25)
    • originality/creativity
    • presentation
    • spelling/punctuation
    • effort
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the novel (25)
    • themes
    • events/characters
    • examples
  • Credibility (20)
    • Voice
    • Plausibility
    • Adds something to our understanding of the characters.
  • Above and beyond (5)
    • Award up to 5 more points for anything exceeding the above requirements.
Review (75)
(5) Does the writer define what makes a good book?
(5) Does the writer explain how The Outsiders fits those criteria?
(10) Does the writer give specific reasons? 
(10) Is enough commentary (details, explanations, examples) provided to help you understand each of the writer's reasons?
(5) Are all of the supporting sentences relevant?
(5) Are transition words used to introduce and connect ideas?
(10) Are the sentences written in a logical, easy-to-follow way?
(5) Does the essay end with an appropriate concluding statement?
(5) Does the essay show us at least two scenes from the book?
(5) Are the words spelled correctly?
(5) Is the essay free of fragments and run-ons?
(5) Is the punctuation correct?
Who are the Outsiders? (75)
(10) Did the writer follow all the directions?
(5) Does the first sentence(s) clearly state the topic and main idea?
(10) Do the following sentences give specific reasons? 
(10) Is enough commentary (details, explanations, examples) provided to help you understand each of the writer's reasons?
(5) Are all of the supporting sentences relevant?
(5) Are transition words used to introduce and connect ideas?
(10) Are the sentences written in a logical, easy-to-follow way?
(5) Does the essay end with an appropriate concluding statement?
(5) Are the words spelled correctly?
(5) Is the essay free of fragments and run-ons?
(5) Is the punctuation correct?