Parts of Speech Review.
noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, pronoun
  1. noun : adjective : : verb : ________
  2. Answers the questions which one, what kind, how many.______
  3. Answers the questions how or when or where. _______
  4. Only ________(s) have a past, present, and future
  5. Shows the relationship between two words in a sentence. ______
  6. am, is, are, was, were = ________
  7. Always in a phrase; never alone in the sentence. ______
  8. Substitutes for a noun, so you don't have to keep repeating yourself. _______
  9. _______ = action word
  10. _______(s) come in first, second and third person.
  11. In the sentence, "He made a really good play in the outfield," the word "play" is used as a(n)________. 
  12. In the sentence, "He made a really good play in the outfield," the word "really" is used as a(n)________.
  13. In the sentence, "He made a really good play in the outfield," the word "in" is used as a(n)________.
  14. A(n) _____________(al) phrase can act as an adjective or adverb.
  15. The word very is a type of __________ that acts as a "special intensifier."