Parts of Speech and Literary Terms!

1 An adverb describes ___ something is done. (3)
6 Could show how tall someone is. (9)
7 Ironically the word verb is a _____. (4)
9 One of the forms of the word be. (4)
10 An example of an adverb. "Here come Randy and Bob," Cherry said _________. (Like there was no hope.) (7)
2 One of the questions an adjective answers. (8)
3 A verb is a word that shows ___, or otherwise helps to make a statement. (6)
4 The word very is one. (6)
5 expectorated (a verb) (4)
8 "_____! That's what's happening!" (4)
adverb, noun, verb, adjective, how, bleakly, were, action, spat, whichone

1 In The Outsiders, the main _____ is between Socs and greasers. (8)
4 Ponyboy is the ______ of the novel; telling us the story from his point of view. (8)
5 When the storyteller is a part of the story and refers to him/herself as I (like Pony), he/she is called a _____ person 4a. (5)
7 When the story shifts to the past to fill us in on the background. (9)
2 SE Hinton ______(ed) in Chapter 2 that Johnny would use his knife in Chapter 4. (10)
3 It is _______ that gentle Johnny turned out to be a killer. (6)
6 When an author uses the word he instead of I for the storyteller, it is called using a ______ person 4a. (5)
foreshadow, third, narrator, first, flashback, ironic, conflict

1 A possessive pronoun. (6)
4 An adjective answers this question. (8)
6 This one too. (8)
8 "John went there." went = ______ (4)
9 An adverb answers this question about a verb. (5)
10 (In 8A) John = _______ (4)
11 Many adverbs end in this. (2)
2 An adverb answers this question about a verb. (3)
3 (In 8A) there = _______ (6)
5 You is a ________. (7)
7 An adverb answers this question about a verb. (4)
8 Probably the common adverb (4)

2 Probably the most common adjective. (3)
4 Probably the most common adverb. (4)
5 A(n) ________ can also modify an adverb. (6)
6 Ironically the word verb is one. (4)
1 An adverb can also modify a(n)_______, like saying just how smart someone is. (9)
3 we (7)
4 "John is weird." is = ______ (4)