Pretest 6A -- Academic Words VI -- abstract, acknowledge, aggregate,
allocate, cite, discriminate, enhance, explicit, furthermore, incentive,
incorporate, incidence, inhibit, migrate, motive, nevertheless, rational,
scope, subsidy, transform
After three days of selling tickets, their ________________
was only 25. a) subsidy b) aggregate c) incidence
d) incentive e) abstract
I didn't actually read all 3200 pages of the study; I just
read a(n) _____________ of it, which was only 20 pages. a) subsidy
b) incidence c) acknowledge d) abstract e) transform
They used to be best friends, but now they don't even ________________
each other when they pass in the hall. a) inhibit b) migrate
c) enhance d) transform e) acknowledge
The judge understood the reason he did the crime, ______________
he had to give him the full sentence. a) discriminate b) furthermore
c) nevertheless d) rational e) motive
Disinfectants can kill mold, and ____________ its further
growth. a) allocate b) inhibit c) enhance d) transform
e) migrate
Since the .10 fine was introduced, the _______________ of
clicker-dropping has dropped dramatically. a) transform b)
incidence c) incentive d) furthermore e) allocate
At the dance, the boys and girls sort of ______________(ed)
to opposite sides of the gym. a) transform b) acknowledge
c) abstract d) discriminate e) migrate
Please ______________ at least five academic words in your
essay. a) incorporate b) enhance c) aggregate d)
inhibit e) migrate
Nobody could understand the _____________ of the man who
gave all his money away. It was a mystery why he did it. a) motive
b) incidence c) rational d) abstract e) discriminate
Before the fine for clicker-dropping was introduced, there
was very little ______________ not to drop them. a)
rational b) discriminate c) scope d) acknowledge
e) incentive
He is honest, trustworthy, and loyal; ______________, he
is funny. a) nevertheless b) furthermore c) allocate
d) acknowledge e) transform
Part of his job with the city was to decide how much money
to ________________ to police and fire protection. a) allocate
b) incorporate c) discriminate d) explicit e) enhance
People use cosmetic surgery to try to ________________
their looks. a) rational b) discriminate c) enhance
d) inhibit e) incorporate
I gave very _____________, step-by-step instructions; they
should be easy to follow. a) explicit b) transform c)
abstract d) cite e) scope
The _____________ of the novel was huge; it covered everything
from dinosaurs to computers, and everything in between. a) scope
b) transform c) incidence d) subsidy e) cite
When you write your research paper, you will have to ______________
the sources of your information. a) scope b) cite c)
transform d) discriminate e) allocate
Please try to think ______________(ly); try not to let your
emotions cloud your thinking. a) enhance b) discriminate c)
scope d) cite e) rational
After spending time as a chrysalis, the creature ______________(s)
into a butterfly. a) abstract b) scope c) transform
d) migrate e) cite
The only way they could afford to stay in that house was
because of a _____________ from her parents. a) abstract b)
subsidy c) discriminate d) allocate e) rational
He was a very _________________(ing) collector; he only accepted
the very finest into his collection. a) scope b) incentive
c) aggregate d) explicit e) discriminate.