Evaluating Sources
Below are 10 descriptions of sources for a research paper on the effects of diabetes. Copy the bold-faced part, and identify each source as either P = Preferred Source, or LR = Less Reliable. Letter (A, B, etc.) the Preferred Sources in the order you would use them. Explain why the Less Reliable ones are less reliable.
  1. _____an entry in a medical dictionary published in 1973
  2. _____an article published this year in a medical journal
  3. _____a recent magazine article titled "Dealing with Diabetes,"written by a doctor
  4. _____a web page prepared by the American Diabetes Association
  5. _____an autobiography of an actress with diabetes
  6. _____a 1985 encyclopedia article on the causes of diabetes
  7. _____an AMA pamphlet called Living with Diabetes displayed in your doctor's office
  8. _____an online chat room discussion for people who have diabetes
  9. _____an interview with a doctor, published in the New York Times this year, about diabetes treatments
  10. _____an interview, published in the LA Times this year, with a woman whose grandmother died from undiagnosed diabetes
adapted from
Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Holt Literature and Language Arts.