"I should be happy...that am happy never at all since I came here".

    This line in the poem, "I should be happy...that am happy never at all since I came here," kind of relates back to one of the first lines of the poem, "Sick of the city wanting the sea." "I should be happy...that am happy never at all since I came here," is saying that I should be happy since I came to the city, and I was happy before I came, but now I am not, not at all happy since I came here. It relates back to the sick of the city line because it is basically saying the same message, that I am tired of the city and want to go back to where I came from, near the ocean. I have found that it is easy to miss interprit this line because many people stop at "I should be happy...that am happy," this has a different meaning because instead of meaning I should be happy since I came here but I am not, it is saying I should be happy since I came here and I am.

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