The Negro Problem
    What Langston Hughes means when he says "the Negro problem" he means that all of the white people see the black people as problems. The problems the white people are asking themselves 'How are we going to solve this Negro Problem?' They don't know what they're going to do about the black people wanting equal rights, no slavery, and they just want to get away from being judged because of their skin color.

        [T]here is no doubt that the overwhelming majority of white Americans
        desire that there be as few Negroes as possible in America. If the Negroes
        could be eliminated from America or greatly decreased in numbers, this
        would meet the whites' approval -- provided that it could be accomplished
        by means which are also approved. Correspondingly, an increase of the
        proportion of Negroes in the American population is commonly looked upon as
        undesirable. Source:

    This is a passage from The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy and it's by Gunnar Myrdal. It is from the chapter titled Population, and this book was published in 1944. This is depressing because during that time period the white people wished that the Negroes wouldn't be existing in America, or maybe even the whole world. Over time we have accepted them a little more, but still haven't fully comprehended the fact that we are all equal human beings.

This is a picture and example of black people having to be slaves and working
for other people.

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