Test 2.
KBAR total for the week: KBAR: ___/30
Warm Ups -- Wednesday (9/3): ___/11 Thursday (9/4): ___/7
Vocabulary Homework: ____/20

Mental Floss:
Spelling. Choose the incorrectly spelled word or choose all correct if they are.
- a) maturity b) seperate c) narrative d) all correct
- a) insurance b) creative c) revison d) all correct
- a) believeable b) refusal c) cooperation d) all correct
- a) storage b) security c) moveable d) all correct
- a) requirment b) ignorance c) hopeful d) all correct
The reason we drop the last e from a word like
before we add an ending like ive, is that... a) Narrate
ends with a consonant sound. b) The ending ive
also ends with an e. c) The ending ive begins
with a consonant d) The ending ive makes it an
adjective. e) The ending ive begins with a vowel.
- The reason we don't drop the last e from a word like positive before we add an ending like -ly, is that... a) Positive
ends with a consonant sound. b) The ending -ly ends with an y. c) The ending -ly begins
with a consonant d) The ending -ly makes it an
adjective. e) NOTA
rewrite : revision :: story : _________ a) beleivable b) narrative
c) requirement d) seperately e) television
sage : wise :: artist : _________ a) creative b) literature
c) revision d) conform e) movable
refusal : cooperation :: childishness : ______ a) useage
b) beleivable c) ignorance d) maturity e) creative
_____ is bliss. a) ignorance b) refusal c) literature
d) sincerly e) maturity
Vocabulary. Skip this section if you earned 12/12 on the pretest.
Even though he may not be "book-smart" he has a lot of _______ about the
world. a) gingerly b) savvy c) infer d) nonchalant
e) fathom
Some people might have called him weird, but he preferred to be called
a (non-)_____(ist). a) sage b) rueful c) infer
d) conform e) connotation
The landscape of the moon is lifeless and very_____. a) sage b) rueful
c) infer d) conform e) bleak
The old man was considered the ________ of the village because of all his
experience and wisdom. a) sage b) rueful c) infer
d) bleak e) fathom
"I shouldn't have done that," he said with a ____ sigh. a) savvy
b) rueful c) infer d) conform e) fathom
"It's just because you're the baby--I mean he loves you a lot. (Do
you) ______?" a) sage b) savvy c) infer d) conform
e) connotation
pain : pleasure :: confusion : ______ a) sage b) savvy
c) infer d) rueful e) conform
For Esteban, the word dropout had the _____... a) connotation b) denotation c) infer
d) sage e) fathom
- ...of a ________ who breaks
windows and graffitis and such. a) sage b) denotation c) infer
d) delinquent e) fathom
I was able to ______ the meaning of the word from the way it was used
in the sentence. a) bleak b) savvy c) rueful d) gingerly
e) infer
cool : good :: dig : _______ a) sage b) rueful
c) conform d) fathom e) bleak
She speaks so softly that I can hardly hear
her. a) softly - adjective, hardly - not b) softly -
not, hardly - adjective c) both adjectives d) both not
I'm a good bowler; my ball has pretty flowers
on it. a) good - adjective, pretty - not b) good - not,
pretty - adjective c) both adjectives d) both not
- We have a pretty apple tree in our yard. a) pretty - adjective, apple - not b) pretty - not, apple - adjective c) both adjectives d) both not
In the following sentence, the word savvy is used as an adjective:
Kal-El knew just what to do. a) True b) False
Husker Du?
- you: a) first person b) second person c) third person d) fourth person
- she: a) first person b) second person c) third person d) fourth person
- Book titles should be... a) in quotes b) in italics c) in boldface d) underlined e) b or d
The Outsiders. Open book.
"I liked him real well because he kept us laughing at ourselves."
Who is "him"? a) Soda b) Darry c) Pony d)
Steve e) Two-Bit
- "The shade of difference that separates a greaser from a hood
wasn't present in _____." a) Darry b) Johnny c)
Two-Bit d) Steve e) Dally
"If it weren't for the gang, _______ would never have known what love and
affection are." a) Steve b) Dally c) Johnny d)
Darry e) Two-Bit
- Dally : the world :: Johnny : ___ a) Dally b)
his parents c) the world d) Steve e) All of these.
The main conflict of The Outsiders so far seems to be... a) our
narrator vs. his parents b) our narrator vs. the Socs c) Soc
vs. greaser d) greasers vs. school e) NOTA
- Explain, using an example from the book, why you picked that conflict.