Test #6.
Academic Words Sheet: ___/20. (Subtract 1 pt. for each AW sentence not finished.)
Warm Ups: 9/30: ___/5 10/1: ___/12 10/2:___/10
Other Extra Credit:
Mental Floss:

Academic Words. Folded cheat sheet OK.
- There have been no actual, ___(ed) "flying saucer"
sightings. a) document b) justify c)
considerable d) sequence e) valid
- Juliet's father would not give his __ for her to marry
Romeo. a) justify b) consent c) sufficient d)
valid e) outcome
- The size of our football field was ___(ed) by the size of Romeo's
yard. a) contribute b) convene c) coordinate d)
sufficient e) constrain
- We haven't had a __ amount of rain lately; it's been pretty
dry. a) justify b) considerable c) valid d)
constrain e) document
- Please allow me to _ my point with a few examples. a)
contribute b) coordinate c) consent d)
illustrate e) sequence
- We all anxiously awaited the ___ of the game. a)
illustrate b) outcome c) sequence d) scheme e)
- Congress ___(ed) a special session just to deal with what
happened on 9/11/01. a) contribute b) considerable c)
outcome d) dominate e) convene
- Could you ___ the punishment? I don't think it's fair. a)
valid b) justify c) constrain d) coordinate e)
- Many times your future is ___(ed) by choices you make when you
are younger. a) component b) document c)
constrain d) initial e) convene
- The Tigers' ___(ing) defense kept Lompoc from scoring at
all. a) contribute b) valid c) imply d)
dominate e) correspond
- The computer says that I have (in)___ space to save my file; it
won't fit. a) consent b) valid c) justify d)
constrain e) sufficient
- He didn't actually say it, but he ___(ed) it very strongly.
a) contribute b) dominate c) justify d) imply
e) valid
- He lost the debate, because most of his arguments were
(in)___. a) justified b) specified c) dominated
d) valid e) illustrated
- After she left town, she still _____ (ed) with her friends back
home. a) dominate b) imply c) correspond d)
consent e) illustrate
- The ____(atic) diagram for the television covered several large
pages. a) imply b) scheme c) illustrate d)
outcome e) sequence
Vocabulary. Skip if exempt. No cheat sheet.
- The adventurer's ____(s) made for a great novel. a)
imperial b) grimace c) exploit d) siege e) circumvent
- Rich, handsome, and royal, Richard Cory was described as
"______(ly) slim." a) reminisce b) premonition c)
imperial d) exploit e) circumvent
- It is sometimes fun to ___ a little brother or sister's lack of
savvy. a) exploit b) grimace c) juvenile d)
delirious e) circumvent
- The school newspaper has been __ for a long while, but they hope
to revive it next year. a) imperial b) circumvent c)
juvenile d) delirious e) defunct
- Johnny ______(ed) as he thought about what happened in the park
that night. a) grimace b) circumvent c) exploit
d) reminisce e) delirious
- obey : ignore :: predict : ______ a) grimace b) circumvent c) juvenile d) reminisce e) delirious
- The thief __(ed) the alarm system, and was able to steal the
jewels. a) defunct b) grimace c) juvenile d)
siege e) circumvent
- globally : locally :: mature : ___ a) defunct b) juvenile c) delirious d) reminisce e) imperial
- flashback : reveals :: _____ : foreshadows a)
exploit b) grimace c) premonition d) delirious e)
There are shells all over the beach, so
let's collect some! a) Fragment b) Run-On c) Complete
The wagon was loaded with food it was pulled by two teams of horses. a) Fragment b) Run-On c) Complete
I love that story, so I have read it three times. a) Fragment b) Run-On c) Complete Sentence
- Chief Wiggum, the doughnut-eater and chief cop. a) Fragment b) Run-On c) Complete Sentence
Months may pass between rainfalls, but
when storms do occur, they may be violent. a) Fragment
b) Run-On c) Complete Sentence
Into the hole fell he. a) Fragment
b) Run-On c) Complete Sentence
- Up the mountain we hiked.. a) Fragment b) Run-On c) Complete Sentence
Explained the rules of the game and demonstrated
it. a) Fragment b) Run-On c) Complete Sentence
Plot/Outsiders. Open book. Open diagram.
The part of the story where Johnny stabbed Bob would be considered the
__________ of the story. a) exposition b) inciting incident
c) rising action d) climax e) resolution
- Why do we not see Johnny stab Bob the Soc? a) Pony is a 3rd
person narrator, and didn't see it. b) S.E. Hinton wanted to make
it more dramatic. c) It's sadder that way. d) Pony is a 1st
person narrator, and didn't see it. e) The book company wouldn't
let them show that in 1967.
- The Socs' reaction when Johnny stabbed Bob illustrates Pony's
distinction between ___ and ___. a) packs and social
clubs b) a social club and the greasers c) a
pack and a gang d) brothers and gangs e) families and
- This reaction shows that the Socs are really a... a) family b) social club c) gang d) team e) pack
- The part of the story where the author explains who the
characters are and what their situation is. a) plot
b) conflict c) exposition d) inciting incident e)
- The early death of Hank Williams was a great loss to the music world. a) True b) False
Husker Du?
- Exactly how does the brain work? What is the Verb Phrase? a) how does b) does work c) how does work d) how work e) NOTA
- ____ you ever heard of Harriet Tubman? a) have b) has c) did d) can e) does