Test #8.
Warm Ups: 10/13:___/6 10/14:___/12 10/15:___/13 10/16:___/14
Other Extra Credit:

Mental Floss:
Spelling. All do all.
- a) subterranean b) instatute c) statue d) all correct
- a) projector b) dependant c) predicate d) all correct
- a) predicament b) obstacal c) superstition d) all correct
- a) circumstances b) stanza c) interjection d) all correct
- a) prediction b) adjective c) benaficial d) all correct
- a) compensation b) contradict c) dictionary d) all correct
- a) constatution b) dependable c) projectile d) all correct
"from hang-able" = ___ a) 7a b) 3b c) 1c
d) 7b e) NOTA
"between throw thing" = _____ a) 1b b) 2a c) 4c
d) 6b e) NOTA
"against stand thing" = _____ a) 1c b) 3b c) 1c
d) 5a e) NOTA
"against say" = _____ a) 3a b) 2c c) 7b d) 6b
"beside throw thing" = ___ a) 1c b) 6b c) 5b d) 3c e) NOTA
"around stand things" = ____ a) 1c b) 3c c) 5a d) 4a
Something that is static does not... a) exist
b) stop c) stand d) move e) stay
- The _______ clothes are on the second floor. a) children's b) childrens c) childrens' d) childrens's
- _______ suggestion was a good one. a) Carlos's b) Carlos' c) something else (His name is Carlos, not Carlo.)
- The ______ costumes were hilarious. a) lady's b) ladies' c) ladies's d) ladies (Several of each.)
- There were four ______ in the room. a) Jake's b) Jakes' c) Jakes's d) Jakes
- The
excitement of the party ______(ed) away as the night dragged on.
a) aghast b) wheedle c) enhance d) ebb e) sift
- While
Mr. Buff was in training, he took several different vitamin
_______. a) enhances b) supplements c) palpables
d) transgressions e) intrigues
- The class was ____ that someone would be silly enough to commit a ___ like that in front of Mr. Coward. a)
palpable/enhanced b) nondescript/supplement c)
apprehensive/aghast d) intrigued/sift e)
- The
new landscaping in front of the house really ______(ed) its
value. a) enhance b) aghast c) transgress
d) ebb e) sift
- I found your story _____(ing), but
ultimately unbelievable. a) enhance b)
nondescript c) apprehensive d) intrigue e) aghast
- Genevieve's
wardrobe was rather ____ and boring until she went on the
show What not to Wear. a)
enhanced b) nondescript c) apprehensive
d) intriguing e) supplementary
- The class's relief was
____ when Mr. Coward canceled the test. A
giant sigh escaped from every student. (Then they woke
up.) a) enhance b) nondescript c)
apprehensive d) intrigue e) palpable
- I
really like mystery novels because of all the adventure and
_____. a) ebb b) nondescript
c) apprehensive d) intrigue e) palpable
- As a
rule, grandparents respond to _____(ing) more than parents
do. a) wheedle b) ebb c)
apprehensive d) intrigue e) sift
- Another name for detention might be "______ behavior training." a)
aghast b) nondescript c) apprehensive d)
intrigued e) supplementary (Bonus: What's this kind
of expression called?)
- "Why don't you get a job?" asked Steve. "What?"
Two-Bit was _____. "And ruin my rep?" a)
enhanced b) aghast c) transgress d) ebbed e)
Outsiders, ch6.
- Why would Johnny be "having the time of his life" in the church?
a) He wants to pay back for what he did to Bob. b) He feels needed for
the first time. c) He likes little kids. d) He thinks the cops will go
easy on him. e) He secretly wants to die.
- When Pony asks about Dally and Johnny, and Jerry Wood "studie(s)
his wedding ring," what's going on? a) He's thinking about his wife. b)
It's still hot from the fire. c) It's stuck, and painful, so he pauses
to adjust it. d) He's stalling, trying to think of how to break the
news. e) NOTA
- It is ironic when Jerry says, "...(we) think you were sent straight from Heaven." a) True b) False
- How/when does Pony finally realize that Darry really does care
about him? a) When he says, "Oh Ponyboy, your hair..." b) When he reads
the letter from Soda. c) When Darry offers him a cigarette. d) When
Darry starts crying. e) When he rescues Pony from the fire.
- The scene in the church would be considered part of the ________
of the story. a) climax b) inciting action c) exposition d) rising
action e) NOTA
- The following quote from Pony is an example that demonstrates which conflict in The Outsiders?
"That didn't make me feel so hot." (in biology class) a) Pony vs.
Darry b) greasers vs. Socs c) Pony vs. Pony d) Pony
vs. the Socs e) NOTA
- "I can't believe little ol' Johnny could kill someone." a)
foreshadowing b) flashback c) irony d) theme e)
- "He looked like I felt when I saw that boy doubled up and still
in the moonlight." a) foreshadowing b) flashback c)
simile d) irony e) NOTA
Husker Du?
- Many times your future is ___(ed) by choices you make when you
are younger. a) component b) document c)
constrain d) initial e) convene
- The fact that Johnny is getting more out of the
book than Pony, even though Pony is the "smart" one, is an example of
irony. a) True b) False