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Mental Floss.
- fear : pluck :: mourning : _____ a) flounder b) efficacy c) revelry d) compendium e) NOTA
- Esteban's project was almost finished, and then his mother
started to ______ with it. a) meddle b) daft c)
taunt e) efficacy
- Jane the Midwife _____(ed) into the room and quickly took charge
of the situation. a) meander b) taunted c)
flounder d) bustle e) NOTA
- Sometimes the _____ of a cure lies in the mind of the person who
believes it will work. a) conscientious b) meander c)
bustle d) efficacy e) NOTA
- Unless you leave Laguna with some good reading skills, you will
_____ in high school. a) meander b) bustle c)
ample d) taunt e) NOTA
- The holiday season is a time for _____ and for
quiet family gatherings. a) meander b) revelry c)
daft d) floundering e) NPTA
- Since there was no specific topic, the discussion _________(ed)
on for hours and never got anywhere. a) meander b)
bustle c) conscientious d) meddle e) NOTA
- My friend was such a _________ of information, we called him the
Encyclopedia Guy. a) conscientious b) revelry c)
compendium d) efficacy e) NOTA
- Many times organizations try new things and make major changes
without testing the _______ of the changes. Sometimes the changes make
things worse instead of better. a) efficacy b)
revelry c) meddle d) ample e) NOTA
- He didn't know how to do the job he was assigned, and he ______(ed) around for a few days before he asked for help. a) flounder b) efficacy c) revelry d) compendium e) NOTA
- He was always very _______ about doing his homework just right
every time. a) conscientious b) meander c)
bustle d) efficacy e) NOTA
- They say that remedy works, but nobody has tested its _______ in treating a cold. a) flounder b) efficacy c) revelry d) compendium e) NOTA
MWA (open book)
- Why were all the people who were caught in chapter 7 shown
mercy, and not punished as severely as they normally would be? a)
Their "crimes" weren't that serious. b) They were needed by the
village. c) The Devil made them do it. d) They were all
well-liked by the villagers. e) none of the above
- On which page was Alyce foreshadowed to be the "Devil"? a) p40 b) p41 c) p43 d) p46 e) NOTA
- What's wag? ("...Aww this wag grows boresome..." -p41) a) What a
dog's tail does. b) A shake of the head. c)
Teasing/taunting. d) Drunkenness. e) none of the above
- Why does Jane the Midwife not notice that Alyce is gaining skills
and respect in the village? a) Because she hates Alyce. b)
Because she isn't, really. c) Because Jane is too
self-centered. d) Because Alyce doesn't tell her. e) None
of the above.
- Why does Alyce deliver the bailiff's wife's baby, instead of the
midwife? a) The bailiff's wife asked for her. b) She would
do it for free. c) The midwife's ankle was still broken. d)
It was part of her training for helping the midwife. e) None of
the above.
- What prompted Alyce's first smile? a) Delivering Alyce
Little. b) The compliment from the merchant. c) The
compliment from the bailiff. d) Helping Will deliver Tansy's calves. e)
None of the above.
- After she proved herself by delivering Alyce Little, the midwife
started to let Alyce watch and learn, and finally be a real apprentice.
a) True b) False
- Why do the boys say they are chasing Runt? a) He stole
something. b) He's annoying. c) Because they can't tease
Alyce any more. d) Because he's a beggar. e) None of the
- How does Runt help us figure out when this story takes place?
(between 1272 and 1307) a) He tells us. b) By how old he
is. c) By asking what the king's name is. d) By the town
that he comes from. e) None of the above.
- What turns out to be the reason Emma Blunt's baby wasn't coming
out? a) Alyce wasn't using the right herbs and potions. b) The
baby was in the wrong position. c) Alyce didn't shake her hard
enough. d) The baby just didn't want to come out. e) None of the
- The real reason Alyce leaves the village is that she... a)
The midwife hates her. b) She can't express the sadness inside
her. c) She isn't very good at the job. d) She doesn't like
the job. e) She's sick of the village.
- Alyce leaving could probably be considered the _________ in the story. a) exposition b) climax c) inciting incident d) falling action e) theme
Husker Du?
- Their relationship was rather _____, with lots of ups, downs, and
in-betweens over the years. a) tumultuous b) sham c)
incompetent d) derivative e) NOTA
- Beetle learned that midwifery was more about ______ and _____,
than about magic and potions. a) strong hands and clean
fingernails b) hard work and good sense c) slapping and
shouting d) herbs and tonics e) none of the above
- My
mom didn't find my reasons for "needing" an X-Box very ___, so I was
denied. a) diligent b) compelling c) groveling
d) turmoil e) heedless
- (p346) What does NOAA stand for? a) National Organization of
American Areas b) Network of Area Administration c) Network
of Ocean and Atmosphere d) National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration e) National Observation of Atmosphere
- (p347) What is the hottest city on the map? a)
San Francisco b) Chicago c) Honolulu d) Phoenix
e) Miami
- (p347) What is the temperature range for Boise, Idaho? a) 30s b) 40s c) 50s d) 60s e) NOTA
Medieval Life. Open notes.
- (3) Give three examples of what a medieval midwife would look for in choosing herbs.
- (2) Give one example of an herb they used that we still use a form of today and what it's for.