Test 13. Name:                                                                        Date:                                   Period:
KBAR: ___/10   Plagiarism: ___/9    RBC: ___/10  ___/7   Vocabulary Practice: ___/7 
Other Extra Credit:

Mental Floss:

  1. What is the label of the key you would press first to make the Setup menu appear on the screen?  a) Timer  b) Menu  c) Select  d) Enter  e) TV   f) NOTA
  2. Once you're at the Setup menu, what is the label for the key you would press to get to the other menus, such as Timer Setup? (Use the diagram!)  a) Timer  b) Menu  c) Select  d) Enter  e) TV   f) NOTA
  3. What key would you press to get back to watching The Simpsons when you're done setting the timer? (Use the diagram.)  a) Timer  b) Menu  c) Select  d) Enter  e) TV   f) NOTA
  4. Which is the answer to #4 on p 372?  a) 1   b) 2   c) 3   d) 4  e) NOTA
  5. The warning says that the timer will only work if you have already set the TV clock. a) True  b) False
  6. Which of these words should you NOT have circled in response to #1 on p372?  a) Quit  b) Press  c) Select  d) Repeat  e) You should have circled them all.
    MoMS. Open book.
  7. (p247) "It's a tree-lined, quiet residential American street..."  a) exposition  b) inciting action  c) resolution  d) rising action  e) theme
  8. (p249) "I had the soup on the stove and the stove just stopped working."  a) exposition  b) inciting action  c) resolution  d) rising action  e) climax 
  9. (p253) "You're sick people--all of you. And you don't even know what you're starting..." a) exposition  b) inciting action  c) resolution  d) rising action  e) climax
  10. (p254) "Why, it's like going back to the dark ages or something."  a) climax  b) flashback  c) protagonist  d) irony  e) metaphor
  11. (p260) "Their world is full of Maple Streets. And we'll go from one to the other and let them destroy themselves."  a) exposition  b) inciting action  c) resolution  d) rising action  e) climax
  12. (p258) "Get Steve--Get Charlie--They're working together!!"  a) exposition  b) inciting action  c) resolution  d) rising action  e) climax
  13. (p260) "There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices..."  a) climax  b) theme  c) conflict  d) irony  e) point of view
  14. Who are the real "monsters"?   a) Figure One and Figure Two  b) The people of the Twilight Zone.  c) The people of Maple Street.  d) Whoever sent the ship.  e) NOTA.
  15. How can we connect the meanings of The Outsiders and MoMS?  a) They both show that we often judge people by insignificant things.  b) They both show that money doesn't equal good.  c) They both show death is bad.  d) They are both very pessimistic about people.  e) There's no connection at all.