Warm Ups: ____/10 ____/11 Quick Quiz: ____/12
Sentence Types: ____/6 ____/6 ____/7
Giver Quizzes: ____/5 ____/7
Vocab H/W: ___/22

Mental Floss:
- The man finally ______(ed) his intense thirst with a drink from the fountain. a) ominous b) permeate c) dejected d) assuage e) NOTA
- The
smell of brownies ______ the house and made me very hungry.
a) solace b) permeate c) meticulous d)
assimilate e) NOTA
- Whenever
she was down about something, she always seemed to find ________ in her
music. a) frazzle b) admonishment c) solace d)
assuage e) NOTA
- He spoke in _______ tones about the upcoming battle. a) permeate b) languid c) ominous d) solace e) NOTA
- The goal of immigrants used to be ________(ion), but these days
people seem to like to emphasize their differences. a)
assimilate b) admonish c) ominous d)
petulant e) NOTA
- After he missed the tying field goal, the kicker was
______. a) ominous b) meticulous c) dejected d)
languid e) NOTA
- When the little girl gets tired, she gets _____, and pouts about everything. a) assuaged b) admonish c) ominous d) petulant e) NOTA
- And her mother has to _______ her for being rude. a) ominous b) solace c) assuage d) admonish e) NOTA
- The light in the room didn't seem to come from any one source; it
just sort of ________(ed) the walls, casting a soft glow. a) assimilate b) languid c) permeate d) languid e) NOTA
- The Elders were very ________ about choosing the new receiver, but they made an error last time. a) meticulous b) dejected c) languid d) ominous e) NOTA
- Except for Jonas, people in the Community who can't or won't _______ are released. a) assuage b) admonish c) ominous d) petulant e) NOTA
- When your sadness is _____(ed)... a) assuage b) solace c) ominous d) frazzle e) NOTA
- ...your soul has found ___. a) assuage b) solace c) ominous d) frazzle e) NOTA
- When Mr. Ingrate opened his last gift and saw that it was not the skateboard he’d asked for, he became very _____. a) assuaged b) admonish c) ominous d) petulant e) NOTA
- If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning. a) simple b) compound c) complex
- The cheese is on the table with little toothpicks in it. a) simple b) compound c) complex
- Esteban ate several hot dogs, went on a ride, and ate several more. a) simple b) compound c) complex
- Joe waited for the llama to arrive, but it was late. a) simple b) compound c) complex
- The llama was late because it missed the bus. a) simple b) compound c) complex
- Joe and the llama rode a tandem bike to the pizza place. a) simple b) compound c) complex
- While Joe likes pizza, the llama prefers sushi. a) simple b) compound c) complex
- Rudolpho was upset because his mom ate the last of the cheese log. a) simple b) compound c) complex
- Sentence # 7 in the vocabulary section. a) simple b) compound c) complex
- Which one is not one of the FANBOYS in a compound sentence?
a) but b) although c) and d) so e) All of them
- When
you use a dependent clause as a "sentence," that mistake is called a
________ . a) run on b) complete sentence c)
fragment d) phrase e) NOTA
- When you improperly combine two independent clauses into one sentence, it is a mistake called a _______. a) run on b) complete sentence c) fragment d) phrase e) NOTA
- Why was Jonas disturbed by the game his friends are
playing? a) He remembered the thirsty kid from his dream of
war. b) He thought it wasn't fair. c) He didn't understand
the rules. d) He thought it was dangerous. e) NOTA
- Why does Jonas feel overwhelmed with feelings of loss? a)
Asher told him he ruined the game. b) Fiona refused to take a
ride with him. c) He doesn't really like his old friends any
more. d) He realizes his friends can't love him back. e)
- What
idea of Jonas's intrigues The Giver? a) Jonas swimming. b)
Changing the rules so The Receiver can no longer ask to be
released. c) Helping the whole community the way he's helped
Jonas. d) Giving memories to Gabriel. e) NOTA
- The Giver does not think that Jonas should
watch that morning's release of the twin, because he thinks he might
not be able to handle it. a) True b) False
- When the Giver asks to see the tape of the
twin's release, the attendant hesitates, because it's such an unusual
request. a) True b)False
- Why does The Giver keep telling Jonas to be
quiet? a) He is annoyed by Jonas's chatter b) He wants
Jonas to pay attention and watch the screen c) He is afraid
someone is listening to their conversation d) He has a
headache e) NOTA
- When Jonas starts to realize what's going on, he asks The Giver to stop the tape. a) True b) False
- We are now entering the ________ part of
the story. a) exposition b) rising action c)
climax d) falling action e) NOTA
- unnerving : benign :: indolent : ________ a) unscrupulous b) benign c) conspicuous d) jaunty e) scrupulous
- Something that is static does not... a) exist
b) stop c) stand d) move e) stay
- Five _______ parents will be guests of honor. a) student's b) students' c) students's