Giver Quizzes: ___/8 ___/7 SCC: ___/5 ___/5
Vocabulary Homework: ___/22 Warm Ups: ___/10 ___/11

Mental Floss.
- On the last day of school, the kids ran ______(ly) through
the halls. a) escalate b) indulge c) wretched
d) exuberant e) NOTA
- After the second offense, the punishment _______(ed) from
chastisement to use of the discipline wand. a) impede b)
suppress c) escalate d) magnitude e) NOTA
- The people of the Community think they have created a utopia, but
to us it looks more like a _______. a) lethargic b)
cult c) meager d) augment e) NOTA
- Since many people still don't understand the ________ of the
problem of climate change, they think it's no big deal. a)
indulge b) escalate c) wretched d) magnitude e)
- Everyone in the library politely tried to ______ their giggles
when Mr.
Calandro walked into the wall while looking at his phone. a)
impede b) suppress c) magnitude d) meager e)
- Some
teachers keep their classrooms very cold because they think it keeps
the students from being too ____. a) escalate b) magnitude
c) augment d) wretched e) NOTA
- After
the police mishandled the fight, it ______(ed) into a riot.
a) escalate b) indulge c) impede d) augment e)
- He tried to ________ his income by selling knives door
to door. a) escalate b) suppress c) impede d)
augment e) NOTA
- Jonas felt _______ after receiving
the memory of war. a) indulge b) escalate c)
wretched d) cult e) NOTA
- Grandparents usually
love to ______ their grandkids. a) indulge b)
escalate c) suppress d) augment e) NOTA
- The
Pills ______ the Stirrings, as well as deep emotions. a)
indulge b) escalate c) wretched d) lethargic e)
- At the Ceremony, instead of frowning at the disturbance, all the adults
______(ed) the little ones up front and chuckled at their squalling
and squirming. a) impede b) escalate c) wretched d) lethargic e) NOTA
- After
the 5K run and a nap, I was feeling pretty _________. a) impede
b) suppress c) magnitude d) lethargic e) NOTA
- The ______ of Bill Gates's wealth is staggering. On average,
since 1986, he has made over $3700 per minute, 24 hours a day. a)
lethargic b) cult c) meager d) augment e) NOTA
- #1? a) simple b) compound c) complex
- #2? a) simple b) compound c) complex
- #3? a) simple b) compound c) complex
- #4? a) simple b) compound c) complex
- #5? a) simple b) compound c) complex
- #6? a) simple b) compound c) complex
- #7? a) simple b) compound c) complex
The Giver. Open Book.
- What causes Jonas to have second thoughts about this whole
thing? a) It starts raining. b) He encounters hills he can't
pedal up. c) They are attacked by a bear. d) Hunger.
- Which of these things did not happen in chapter 23? a) It began
snowing. b) Jonas fell asleep. c) Jonas found a sled. d) He
gave Gabriel a memory of warmth. e) They all happened.
- The part where Jonas lies to his parents and stops taking his
pills. a) exposition b) rising action c) inciting
incident d) climax e) resolution
- The part where Jonas sees the apple change. a)
exposition b) rising action c) inciting incident d)
climax e) resolution
- The part where Jonas and The Giver make the plan. a)
exposition b) rising action c) inciting incident d)
climax e) resolution
- Jonas and Gabe sliding down the hill on the sled would be the _______
of the story. a) exposition b) rising action c) climax d) falling
action (haha) e) resolution
- Which character doesn't belong with the others? a) Mr.
Mead ("The Pedestrian") b) Jonas c) Gran-Da ("Old Glory") d) the
Giver e) Asher
- The Giver is written in... a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person d) 4th person
Husker Du?
- My
mom didn't find my reasons for "needing" an X-Box very ___, so I was
denied. a) diligent b) compelling c) groveling
d) turmoil e) heedless