Maus Logs: ___/6 ___/10 Vocabulary h/w:___/22
Warm Ups: ____/5 ___/15 ___/18 ___/12
Other Extra Credit: Spelling 5X? ____
- a) correspond b) arrangment c) illegible d) all correct
- a) assortment b) irregular c) illiterate d) all correct
- a) attempt b) accostumed c) immature d) all correct
- a) irresponsible b) illogical c) immeasureable d) all correct
- a) irresistible b) accompany c) irreplacable d) all correct
- a) illegal b) account c) assure d) all correct
- a) immigrant b) irational c) beginning d) all correct
- Which word follows the "drop the e before a suffix beginning with
a vowel" rule? a) arrangement b) irreplaceable c)
irresponsible d) illiterate e) NOTA
- All but one of the i- words this week mean "____
something." a) to do b) with c) extra d)
not e) NOTA
- Which
spelling word has a prefix that means "together"? a)
immigrant b) assure c) accompany d) correspond
- It would be ______ of a dishwasher to tell the master chef how to do things. a) ambivalent b) subsist c) frugal d) presumptuous e) NOTA
- All her emotions were released in a ______ moment on the stage as
20,000 people cheered. a) frugal b) cathartic c)
avant-garde d) futile e) NOTA
- Much of the agriculture in the rest of the world is made up of
______(ence) farms, that barely grow enough food for the family working
on it. a) subsist b) dissemble c) reproach d) frugal e) NOTA
- MacGyver
could _____ together almost anything from a bomb to a hang-glider from
bits of trash he found lying around. a) subsist b)
cobble c) dissemble d) succumb e) NOTA
- The athlete was ______ about the use of steroids. He knew they
were harmful, but they helped his performance. a)
ambivalent b) presumptuous c) cathartic d)
cobble e) NOTA
- Though he came from a very religious family, he was still ______
about organized religion. a) avant-garde b) dissemble c)
reproach d) succumb e) NOTA
- She blamed him for the incident and always looked at him with
_______ afterwards. a) ambivalent b) reproach c)
futile d) cathartic e) NOTA
- During the tv marathon, we _____(ed) for two days on chips and pizza. a) succumb b) subsist c) reproach d) cobble e) NOTA
- On the train, Vladek ______(ed) and "didn't let on" he was a Jew. Spiegelman represents this by having Vladek wear a pig mask. a) avant-garde b) dissemble c) reproach d) succumb e) NOTA
- There used to be a tv show called The ______ Gourmet which
showed you how to eat well without spending a lot of money. a)
futile b) presumptuous c) reproachful d) frugal
- Art Spiegelman once published magazines of _____ comics like "The
Prisoner of Hell Planet." a) presumptuous b)
avant-garde c) frugal d) ambivalent e) NOTA
- It is _____ to whine about things that you can't change. a)
ambivalent b) cathartic c) futile d)
avant-garde e) NOTA
Husker Du.
- #16: a) S b) CD c) CX
- #17: a) S b) CD c) CX
- #18: a) S b) CD c) CX
- I am going to skip on my way home from Grandmother's house. a) adj prep phrase b) adv prep phrase c) not a prep phrase
- I am going to skip on my way home from
Grandmother's house. a) adj prep phrase b) adv
prep phrase c) not a prep phrase
- The unikitty with the pink fur ate a doughnut. a) adj prep phrase b) adv prep phrase c) not a prep phrase
- Helped Vladek get a work card he needed. a) Ilzecki b) Mr. Zybelberg c) Mala d) Wolfe e) NOTA
- Sent to the left at the stadium because of her four kids.
a) Ilzecki b) Mala c) Anja d) Fela e) NOTA
- Artie's mom. a) Fela b) Anja c) Mala d) Tosha e) NOTA
- One of Vladek's black market customers. a) Wolfe b) The Zybelbergs c) Ilzecki d) Richieu e) NOTA
- "Survived me my life" according Vladek, when he hid Vladek in his
apartment during a roundup. a) Mr. Zybelberg b) Wolfe
c) Ilzecki d) Tosha e) NOTA
- Worked at the Gemeinde. a) Ilzecki b) Wolfe c) Mr. Zybelberg d) Richieu e) NOTA
- Very rich before the war. a) Wolfe b) The Zybelbergs c) Ilzecki d) Richieu e) NOTA
- What possession of Anja's is Artie so interested in finding? a) The suitcase she used to leave for the camps. b) Her flute. c) Her diaries. d) Her collection of books. e) NOTA
- Why is Vladek unfriendly with Artie on p98? a) He's mad
that Artie didn't help him with the drainpipe. b) He thinks Artie
is siding with Mala in their argument. c) Artie keeps making him
sad about the war. d) He's just crabby that day e) NOTA
- What is Artie a prisoner of in "Prisoner on the Hell Planet"? a) sadness b) joy c) guilt d) loneliness e) The Nazis

Mental Floss.