Test #20. Name:
Vocabulary Homework: ___/20 Warm Ups: ___/7 ___/14 ___/13 ___/19
Other Extra Credit: 3x Spelling?: ___
- a) personnel b) referal c) acclaim d) all correct
- a) occupation b) recommend c) occurrance d) all correct
- a) committee b) essential c) broccolli d) all correct
- a) summary b) trespassing c) posession d) all correct
- a) accomodate b) embarrass c) affectionate d) all correct
- a) harassment b) bulletin c) cancelation d) all correct
- The prefix of this word means again, as in say something good about someone again. a) occupation b) recommend c) occurrance d) affectionate e) NOTA
- The prefix of this word means together, as in people who meet together. a) committee b) essential c) accomodate d) harassment e) NOTA
- Mrs. Krabapple was a _______ who always thought she had the
disease she was reading about. a) mesmerizer b)
quarantine c) wallower d) hypochondriac e) NOTA
- When the Apollo 11 astronauts returned for the first time from
the moon, they were kept in _____ for several weeks to make sure they
didn't bring back any "space germs." a) subjugation b) pandemonium c) quarantine d) disgruntled e) NOTA
- Anja was ______ about not giving up Richieu until it was too late. a) wallowed b) mesmerized c) interceded d) resolute e) NOTA
- I know she's hurt, but she should try to get on with her life
instead of just ______(ing) in her misery/self-pity. a)
intercede b) wallow c) defray d) mesmerize e)
- The poor villagers needed someone to _______ on their behalf and help them to be treated fairly. a) subjugate b) resolute c) defray d) intercede e) NOTA
- Sixth period is often the scene of _____, and that is why
they rarely get a "10" from a guest teacher. a) subjugation
b) wallowing c) defraying d) pandemonium e) NOTA
- We were completely _____(ed) by the amazing acrobatic
performance. a) mesmerize b) subjugate c)
intercede d) resolute e) NOTA
- The emperor's armies _____(ed) the surrounding kingdoms by force. a) disgruntle b) subjugate c) mesmerize d) intercede e) NOTA
- Their argument probably would have become violent if I hadn't
_____(ed). a) disgruntle b) quarantine c) defray d)
intercede e) NOTA
- The prefix of this word means "under." a) mesmerize b) intercede c) subjugate d) resolute e) NOTA
- The prefix of this word means "between." a) mesmerize
b) intercede c) subjugate d) resolute e) NOTA
- Because Zoltan forgot his wallet, he couldn't buy broccoli. a) S b) CD c) CX
- As part of his occupation, he had a llama with a leather jacket. a) S b) CD c) CX
- Since he didn't want to embarrass the llama, he didn't act affectionate. a) S b) CD c) CX
- He ate his doctor-recommended doughnut for breakfast this morning. a) S b) CD c) CX
- It seemed essential to eat broccoli, but I watched tv instead. a) S b) CD c) CX
Vladek. You may use your Maus log.
- What is one reason Artie says he became an artist? a) It
was something he studied. b) He always read comics as a
kid. c) So he wouldn't have to compete with Vladek. d) It
paid well. e) NOTA.
- Mala says that "Prisoner from Hell Planet" is overly dramatic
about how things were when Anja killed herself. a) True b)
- Which of these does Vladek call a kombinator? a) Lolek b) Haskell c) Anja d) Jakov e) NOTA
- What
is one way Haskell stays on the good side of the Nazis? a) He
turns Jews in for them. b) He gets them food. c) He's just
a nice guy. d) He loses to them at cards. e) NOTA
- When Vladek says meshuga he means... a) stupid b) smart c) frustrated d) crazy e) NOTA
- Vladek thinks Mala cares only about... a) comfort b) herself c) her family d) Artie e) NOTA
- What
saved Vladek's life on p118? a) A bribe. b) His cousin's
relationship with the Nazis. c) His quick thinking. d) A
good excuse. e) NOTA
- What is the symbolism of the pig masks at the top of p125?
a) They have been living like pigs all this time. b) They are
proud to be Polish. c) That's what the Nazis think of them.
d) They've been wallowing in misery. e) NOTA
- Why
are the roads on p125 shaped like a swastika? a) Because that's
how they really were. b) To show how scared they were. c)
To show that they were in Germany. d) To show that wherever they
went the Nazis were there. e) NOTA

Mental Floss.