Transitions: ____/10
Vocabulary Homework: ___/22
Warm Ups: ____/5 ____/14 ____/18 ____/14
- a) parallel b) soothe c) appettite d) all correct
- a) embarrass b) nervouse c) attach d) all correct
- a) irritate b) appropriate c) seperate d) all correct
- a) disappoint b) comercial c) opponent d) all correct
- a) allergy b) attire c) arrival d) all correct
- a) occupying b) dependable c) guidence d) all correct
- a) believe b) incredible c) recieve d) all correct
- soothe : irritation :: satisfy : ______ a) parallel b) soothe c) appettite d) disappoint e) NOTA
- Art Spiegelman didn't
want to show his father as a racist _____ of a Jew, but he wanted
to show him honestly. a) approach b) cache c)
contrast d) caricature e) NOTA
- Please ________ yourself properly in the library. a) approach b) conduct c) complex d) promote e) NOTA
- Now
that he had found religion, the former criminal wanted ______ for the
things he had done. a) allegory b) absolution c)
aspect d) sanction e) NOTA
- My brother found my ______ of candy and ate it all. a) allegory b) contrast c) aspect d) sanction e) NOTA
- If you pass math and English, you will be _______(ed) to eighth grade. a) approach b) conduct c) complex d) promote e) NOTA
- Mr. Coward does not _______ the use of phones in class. a) approach b) conduct c) aspect d) sanction e) NOTA
- Some people think that the Narnia series is a religious _______. a) approach b) conduct c) aspect d) sanction e) NOTA
- She received a _______(ion) at work and was now in charge of an entire department. a) cache b) conduct c) promote d) caricature e) NOTA
- In some ways, many people's perception of a typical seventh grader
is both a stereotype and a _______ of what a real seventh grader is. a) cache b) conduct c) promote d) caricature e) NOTA
- I politely ______(ed) Trevor about borrowing his Porsche for my date. a) approach b) conduct c) aspect d) sanction e) NOTA
- The essay prompt asked you to compare and ______ the two characters. a) allegory b) contrast c) aspect d) sanction e) NOTA
- They _______(ed) the new web site with ads on tv. a) approach b) promote c) contrast d) caricature e) NOTA
- Which one is the allegory? a) Mickey Mouse acting like a
human. b) You can't teach an old dog new tricks. c) "The
Goose that Laid the Golden Egg" d) He slept like a rock. e)
B and D.
- She had been studying for hours. ______, she hoped to do well on the test. a) meanwhile b) furthermore c) then d) therefore e) NOTA
- I would like to read many books; ______, I don’t seem to have enough time to read. a) nevertheless b) furthermore c) then d) therefore e) however
- John ate and ate; _____, he never gained weight. a) nevertheless b) furthermore c) so d) therefore e) consequently
- Joe ate too fast. _______, he had indigestion. a) nevertheless b) furthermore c) meanwhile d) still e) consequently
- He stayed up too late last night; _____, he slept until noon. a) nevertheless b) furthermore c) meanwhile d) still e) NOTA
Husker Du?
- This word's roots mean "to bend/lean inward."
_________ a) agitate b) insinuate c)
improvise d) consign e) NOTA
- This word's root comes from the name of the Goddess of Love.
_________ a) venerate b) insinuate c)
smug d) haughty e) NOTA
- The root of this word is French for "high." _______
a) venerate b) fastidious c) shrewd d) haughty
- After three warnings, Scott was _____(ed) to the "naughty chair." a)
insinuate b) consign c) agitate d) improvise e) NOTA
Maus II.
- How does Art Spiegelman feel about turning Maus into a tv show or movie? a) He is ambivalent. b) He is planning it. c) He's for it, but only if it's done right. d) He's against it. e) NOTA
- Why might Art show his drawing board atop a pile of bodies?
a) He wants us to remember how horrible things were for the Jews.
b) He wants to show how he feels guilty about his success being based
on other people's misery. c) It's a metaphor for how he feels
about his father. d) It's a metaphor for how he feels about the
Nazis. e) NOTA
- "It was a critical and commercial success." (p41) What does he mean?
a) People criticized Maus for being mean to Vladek. b) They sold a lot
of related, licensed products with it. c) It got good reviews and made
money. d) You saw a lot of ads for it on tv. e) NOTA
- Which quote explains why Artie shrinks on p42? a) "Maybe
EVERYONE has to feel guilty." b) "...but mostly I feel like
crying." c) "Lately I've been feeling depressed." d)
"Sometimes I just don't feel like a functioning adult." e)
"...I just lie on my couch for hours and star at a small grease spot..."
- What makes Art grow back to adult size again (p46)? a) A
good night's sleep. b) A talk with Francoise. c) The
thought of his success. d) A talk with his therapist. e)
- What makes Art shrink down again (p47)? a) Thinking about
all the bodies. b) A talk with Francoise. c) The thought of
his success. d) A talk with his therapist. e) NOTA.
- (quote) How does Pavel try to show Artie what Auschwitz felt like? a) "You
think it's admirable to survive..." b) "Boo!" c) "People
haven't changed." d) "The victims who died can never tell their
story." e) NOTA