Test #25. Name:                                                                                                    Date:                                Period:
Giver Quizzes: ___10  ___7  ___/12   Husker Du: ___/20     Vocabulary Practices: ___/11  ___/12  ___/11
Vocabulary H/w: ___/20     KBARR: ___/36
Other Extra Credit:
Mental Floss

  1. When parents want to show special affection for a child, they call him/her by number instead of name.  a) True  b) False
  2. What does the Chief Elder say about the future Twelves' differences in her speech? a) Nothing; it's considered rude to mention differences.  b) The differences have determined their futures.  c) The differences have stood out more than in previous groups.  d) The differences still need to become sameness.  e) NOTA
  3. Why did the Chief Elder make a joke about chastising Asher's old teacher?  a) Because the teacher was much like Asher.  b) Because that teacher had been released.  c) Because Asher still doesn't speak properly.  d) Because all the students of that teacher are like Asher.  e) NOTA
  4. Why was Asher punished as a Three?  a) He was rude.  b) He didn't pay attention.  c) He literally asked for it.  d) He failed several tests.  e) NOTA
  5. Why does the Committee of Elders continue to observe Twelves during their training?   a) To make sure they "...present themselves promptly for chastisement."  b) Because usually one of the Elders has a "dream of uncertainty." c) To make sure that "playfulness and patience" do not become "foolishness and indolence."   d) To make sure they have "immense courage."   e) NOTA
  6. The most honored job in the community is the Receiver of Memory.  a) True   b) False
  7. Which of the following attributes does the Chief Elder say Jonas does not yet possess, but will?  a) Intelligence.   b) Integrity.   c) Courage.   d) Wisdom.   e) She says he has them all.
  8. Which attribute is the Chief Elder unable to describe because she does not understand it?  a) Intelligence.   b) Integrity.   c) Courage.   d) Wisdom.  e) NOTA
  9. Why is the Chief Elder unable to prepare Jonas for the pain he will experience?  a) It is against the rules.   b) The Receiver of Memory asked her not to.   c) She has not experienced it.   d) She doesn’t want to scare him.   e). NOTA
  10. What makes Jonas feel a “tiny sliver of sureness for the first time”?  a) He is not afraid.   b). He has already experienced pain.   c) The crowd changed like the apple.   d) The Chief Elder has confidence in him.    e) NOTA
  11. The Giver is written in ______ person.  a) first  b) second  c) third
  12. During the summer, without something to do, some kids can get very _____ and end up not doing much of anything.  a) infringe  b) exasperate  c) unscrupulous  d) reprieve  e) benign  f) indolent  g) conspicuous
  13. After she fell, she got up and tested her leg _____(ly) to see if it would support her weight. a) tentative  b) exasperate  c) scrupulous  d) reprieve  e) benign  f) indolent  g) conspicuous
  14. She was always very _____ about her work. That’s why she got A’s.  a) tentative  b) inconspicuous  c) scrupulous  d) relinquish  e) profound  f) indolent  g) conspicuous
  15. Many rappers “sing” the praises of “bling” and _____ consumption.  a) profound  b) inconspicuous  c) scrupulous  d) relinquish  e) benign  f) indolent  g) conspicuous
  16. He soon found that studying for the test would have a _____ (positive) impact on his grade! OMG!  a) tentative  b) inconspicuous  c) scrupulous  d) relinquish  e) profound  f) haphazard  g) infringe
  17. Some thought that the new law would _____ upon their right to protest, and they protested that.  a) benign  b) relinquish  c) scrupulous  d) exasperate  e) profound  f) haphazard  g) infringe
  18. The root of this word means to leave.  a) benign  b) relinquish  c) scrupulous  d) exasperate  e) tentative  f) reprieve  g) conspicuous
  19. I  tried to be as ____ as possible as I passed the note in class, but Mr. Coward still caught me.  a) haphazard  b) relinquish  c) scrupulous  d) exasperate  e) profound  f) conspicuous  g) inconspicuous
  20. Solar power is more ______ to the environment than coal or oil.  a) haphazard  b) relinquish  c) scrupulous  d) benign  e) profound  f) conspicuous  g) inconspicuous
  21. It had been raining so much that we ____(ly) planned the picnic for Saturday, but we also made other plans just in case. a) benign  b) relinquish  c) scrupulous  d) exasperate  e) tentative  f) reprieve  g) conspicuous
  22. If you searched more systematically, instead of so _____(ly), you might find what you're looking for.  a) benign  b) infringed  c) unscrupulous  d) exasperate  e) haphazard  f) reprieve  g) conspicuous
  23. In exchange for safety and peace, the members of the Community seemed to have _____(ed) a lot of freedom.  a) benign  b) infringe  c) relinquish  d) exasperate  e) tentative  f) reprieve  g) conspicuous
  24. The word ______ comes from a word that means ethics.  a) benign  b) haphazard  c) relinquish  d) exasperate  e) tentative  f) scrupulous  g) conspicuous
    Husker Du.
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