Test 28. Name:                                                                               Date:                          Period:
Husker Du: ___/30 
Vocab h/w: ___/20     Vocab Practices: ___/12  ___/13  ___/12    
INTERVIEW: ___/100       KBARR: ___/40
Other Extra Credit:

Mental Floss.

.  Write the word in the blank and click.    a) glimmer  b) phantom  c) serene  d) incense  e) surge  f) alibi  g) sprawl  h) dismay  i) lapse  j) resent
     The lifeguard's vigilance 1.______________(ed) for just a few minutes, but a boy almost drowned. Needless to say, his mom was not just 2.________________(ed), she was 3.______________(ed).  The sunny and 4._____________ afternoon turned scary when everyone saw the poor kid 5._______________(ed) on the concrete next to the pool. The crowd of people 6._______________(ed) toward the boy and the lifeguard, and when they saw a 7.__________________ of life from the boy, they all cheered. The 8.___________________(ment) they had felt earlier for his lack of supervision was temporarily replaced by joy.  But his 9.___________________ later about a 10.__________________ of sun in his eyes was not backed up by anyone.

11. Many amputees say they still feel pain and itching in the missing limbs from time to time. This is called ________________ pain.
12. Jonas became __________________(ful) of the burden he had to bear, and just wanted his childhood back.
13. As more people moved to the city, it began to _________________ out into the nearby farmland.

SAWs.  Write the word in the blank and click.     a) disperse  b) catalyst  c) segregate  d) injustice  e) reform
14. Rosa Parks's act of civil disobedience was a ___________ for the new Civil Rights movement.
15. The birds who ate the seeds helped _______+____ them to new locations.
16. The people protesting the ______________ of   17._____________(ion) were forced to   18. ____________ by police.

Giver.  Circle and click.
19. The part where Gabe and Jonas are sliding down the hill on the sled.  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) climax  e) resolution
20. The part where Jonas and The Giver make the plan.  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) climax  e) resolution
21. The part where Jonas is selected to be the new Receiver.  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) climax  e) resolution
22. The part where Jonas sees the apple change.  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) climax  e) resolution
23. The part where Jonas and Gabe ride through the forest and hills.  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) climax  e) resolution
23. On p100, when the Giver says, "And next it will be you. A great honor," he is being ironic.   a) True  b) False
24. Which character doesn’t belong with the others?  a) Mr. Mead  b) Jonas  c) Gran-Da  d) the Giver  e) Donald  f) Ponyboy
25. Which of these changes actually changed the plot of the movie version?   a) They get an injection instead of a pill.  b) Lily is a 9 instead of a 7.  c) The "capacity to see beyond" is shown by a birthmark instead of eye color.  d) The "love" memory is of a wedding instead of Christmas.  e) Fiona skips her medication.  f) They all affected the plot.  g) None of them really affected the plot.
26. Besides our original conflict of Jonas v the Community, the movie adds several others not in the book, such as _______ v _______.   a) Jonas/The Giver  b) The Giver/Chief Elder  c) Jonas/Fiona  d) Fiona/Asher  e) Rosemary/Giver

Husker Du?
27. “Delinquent” : ________ :: The Outsiders :  ________  a) 1st person/3rd person  b) 3rd person/1st person.  c) both 1st person.  d) Both 3rd person.  e) NOTA
28. flashback : reveals :: _____ : foreshadows   a) smolder  b) circumvent  c) reminisce  d) sullen  e) siege  f) defunct  g) exploit  h) delirious  i) premonition
29. “…doesn’t understand anything that isn’t plain, hard fact.”  a) Steve  b) Dally  c) Johnny  d) Darry  e) Two-Bit  f) NOTA
30. True/False   Dependent clauses usually begin with words such as and, but, or.
31. We _____(ed) all the options before choosing one.  a) initiative  b) radical  c) attain  d) crucial  e) extend  f) strategy  g) cite  h) research
32. A French chef in New York chisels ice sculptures.  a) adjective  b) not an adjective