Test #30. Name:                                                                                              Date:                                          Period:
Grammar Reviews: ___/10   ___/13   ___/11   SAWs: ___/10
Vocab H/W: ___/20   Vocab Practices: ___/13   ___/13
Other Extra Credit:

Grammar.    a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective  d) adverb  e) pronoun  f) conjunction  g) preposition
He was a very scary bear, and we beat a hasty retreat from his lair.
  1. He: _____
  2. was: _____
  3. very: _____
  4. scary: _____
  5. bear: _____
  6. and: _____
  7. we: _____
  8. beat: _____
  9. hasty: _____
  10. retreat: _____
  11. from: _____
  12. his: _____
  13. lair: _____
    Vocabulary.         a) solicitous  b) peevish  c) cynical  d) propagate  e) blasphemy  f) delusion  g) relish   h) naive  i) caper  j) aesthetic
  14. excited : disappointed :: savvy : ____
  15. jovial : peevish :: credulous : _____
  16. In order for a species to survive, it must ______ itself.
  17. She scraped her knee ____(ing) around on the blacktop.
  18. In addition to being very functional and useful, the machine was also ____(ally) pleasing.
  19. Apparently, second period was under the ______ that it was OK to interrupt the teacher.
  20. The rumor seemed to _____ itself all over the school, until everyone had heard it.
  21. Some people say that it is only a _____ that there is life after death...
  22. ...and that we are being _____ to think that we are anything but worm food...
  23. ...But someone who is deeply religious might say that kind of talk is _____.
    SAWs     a) guarantee  b) contrast   c) parallel   d) industry   e) logical  f) abstain   g) capacity   h) distribute   i) method   j) morality
  24. He was a very _____(ous) lad who started his first company when he was ten.
  25. The Chief Elder said that Jonas had the “______ to see beyond.”
  26.  At first Pony only saw the ______(s) between his life and Cherry’s…
  27. …but soon he realized there were many ______(s), and they weren’t as different as they seemed.
  28. This word has to do with scruples. _______
  29. This word also means the habit of working hard. ______
  30. When the Third Expedition discovers the "Illinois town." (Be careful.)  a) exposition  b) inciting incident  c) rising action   d) climax e) falling action  f) resolution
  31. When the Martian reveals himself to Captain Black.  a) exposition  b) inciting incident  c) rising action   d) climax e) falling action  f) resolution
  32. When Captain Black dies.  a) exposition  b) inciting incident  c) rising action   d) climax e) falling action  f) resolution
  33. When the Martians go back to being Martians.  a) exposition  b) inciting incident  c) rising action  d) climax  e) falling action  f) resolution
  34. The root -cred, as in incredible, means...    a) huge  b) amazing  c) disbelief   d) see  e) good   f) NOTA
  35. Credulous means... a) amazing  b) incredible  c) boring  d) cynical  e) naive  f) NOTA