Test 30. Name:                                                                                      Date:                             Period:
TS KBARR: ___/20     TS Quizzes: ___/6  ___/6
Vocab h/w: ___/20   Vocab Practice: ___/13  ___/13 ___/10
Other Extra Credit:

Mental Floss.

Grammar.    a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective  d) adverb  e) pronoun  f) conjunction  g) interjection
  1. Answers the questions how, where, or when.
  2. The main one in a sentence is also known as the predicate.
  3. Answers the questions which one, what kind, how many.
  4. A word of surprise or strong emotion.
  5. Has a past, present, and future.
  6. A substitute for a noun.
  7. Intensifies an adjective or an adverb.
    Vocabulary.         a) audacious  b) prolific  c) oblige  d) deduce  e) covet  f) loathe  g) alacrity   h) condescending  i) guile  j) prone
  8. Aunt Polly thought she was being very _____(ful) as she questioned Tom, trying to trick him.
  9. On the show CSI, the crime scene investigators used science to ____ whom the killer was.
  10. He is a rather ____ liar; he tells so many lies, you can never tell which of his stories is true.
  11. That kind of car is very fast, but it is _____ to break down often.
  12. The Socs always would say the word greaser _____(ly)...
  13. ...and with ______(ing).
  14. It was rather _____ of Pony and Johnny to rush into the burning church.
  15. The very helpful student picked up the trash with _____ after being asked to help out.
  16. I’m _____? Do you even know what that means? (haha)

    SAWs.      a) xenophobia  b) constrain  c) establish  d) cohesive  e) specify
  17. People with criminal backgrounds are legally ____(ed) from working for some government agencies like the FBI.
  18. Even though the story jumped around from the past to the future, it still had a _____ feel and was easy to follow.
  19. The Community in The Giver was basically organized around the concept of _______.

    Tom Sawyer.
  20. How did Tom get revenge on Sid for tattling on him?  a) He "licked" him.  b) He got Sid in trouble for breaking the sugar bowl.  c) He threw dirt clods at him.  d) He got Sid's good clothes all dirty.  e) NOTA
  21. Why did Tom climb the fence instead of using the gate? (p16)  a) Because it was easier to get away that way.  b) Because it fasterto get away that way.  c) Because the gate was broken.  d) Because it was more fun that way.  e) NOTA
  22. What does Tom fantasize about twice in Chapter 3?   a) Being dead.  b) Being rich.  c) Getting revenge on Sid.  d) The new girl.  e) NOTA
  23. Why was Huck carrying a dead cat?  a) He wanted to trade it for something.  b) He was sad it was dead.  c) He was going to bury it.  d) He was going to use it to see if a superstition works.  e) NOTA
  24. What happens to Tom’s pulled tooth?  a) He saves it for the tooth fairy.  b) He trades it away.  c) He loses it.  d) Aunt Polly keeps it as a memory.  e) NOTA
  25. What does Tom say to the schoolmaster that makes him so angry? a) That he didn't care that he was late.  b) He makes up a stupid lie.  c) He says he stopped to talk to Huck.  d) He says his aunt made him late pulling his tooth.  e) NOTA
  26. Re. the picture. Who is the tall one? a) Tom  b) Becky  c) the schoolmaster  d) Huck  e) Aunt Polly  f) NOTA
  27. Re. the picture. Why was it drawn?  a) To impress someone.  b) To help someone with his/her work.  c) As art to display.  d) For no reason; just doodling.  e) A school art show.  f) NOTA
  28. Becky was angry about Tom writing "I love you" on his slate.  a) True  b) False
  29. The word jubilant (p50) most nearly means...  a) hurting.   b) ecstatic.  c) worried.  d) regretful.  e) sad.  f) NOTA
  30. Tom Sawyer is written in...  a) 1st person   b) 2nd person  c) 3rd person
  31. We are in the ______ of the story.  a) exposition  b) inciting incident  c) rising action  d) climax  e) falling action  f) resolution