Test 6A
With your nose plugged, your taste buds can't _____________ between
an onion and an apple. a) aggregate b) explicit c)
scope d) discriminate e) enhance
The police officer ______(ed) her for running a stop sign. a) scope
b) discriminate c) inhibit d) migrate e) cite
During WWII, a person with a car was only ____________(ed) 3 gallons
of gas per week. a) subsidy b) allocate c) aggregate
d) transform e) cite
Rocket science is outside the _________ of this class. a)
cite b) furthermore c) abstract d) incidence e)
Computers are getting cheaper all the time; __________, their quality
is improving. a) cite b) furthermore c) abstract
d) incidence e) scope
Mr. Coward was very ___________ about how he wanted us to head the paper.
a) aggregate b) inhibit c) explicit d) discriminate
e) enhance
Even huge oil companies get ___________(s) from the government.
a) abstract b) rational c) inhibit d) allocate
e) subsidy
After the third round of the golf tournament, her ___________ score
was 245. a) subsidy b) incentive c) abstract d) incidence
e) aggregate
For the introduction to your 120 Seconds, you should provide a(n) ___________
of the novel's plot. a) aggregate b) abstract c)
subsidy d) rational e) explicit
Modern automobile paints have a rust-___________(or) mixed in to make
the car's finish last longer. a) allocate b) abstract
c) motive d) inhibit e) explicit
At camp, we were each _________(ed) one shirt, one pair of shorts, and
a hat. a) incorporate b) allocate c) aggregate
d) enhance e) acknowledge
The introduction to your 120 Seconds doesn't have to cover the entire
_________ of the novel; just give us the main points. a) scope
b) rational c) abstract d) allocate e) incentive
His volunteer work earned him a special ________(ation) from the mayor.
a) aggregate b) incidence c) incentive d) cite
e) abstract
The only way he affords his lifestyle is through a _________ from his
rich uncle. a) scope b) incidence c) incentive d)
cite e) subsidy
Since the era of vaccination, the _________ of some childhood diseases
is zero. a) aggregate b) incidence c) incentive d)
cite e) abstract
Most students won't do homework unless there is some sort of (dis)___________
not to. a) aggregate b) allocate c) incentive d)
inhibit e) explicit
Spender thought that the Martians tried to ___________ nature into their
lives as much as possible. a) aggregate b) incidence c)
incentive d) cite e) incorporate
The word _________ can also mean "X-rated." a) enhance b)
explicit c) incentive d) cite e) abstract
The judge understood the reason he did the crime, ______________ he
had to give him the full sentence. a) discriminate b) furthermore
c) nevertheless d) rational e) motive
It order to convict him of the crime they had to show what his _____
was for doing it. a) motive b) incidence c) rational
d) abstract e) discriminate
Vocabulary. Skip if Exempt.
It's hard for Pony to understand the _________(ing) that Socs have for
greasers. a) blather b) ecstatic c) furtive d) odious
e) loathe
discreet : savvy :: patronizing : ________ a) condescending
b) adamant c) guile d) odious e) impudent
Aunt Polly was ______ that Tom be punished for his misbehavior; she
had to do her job as a parent. a) condescending b) adamant
c) guile d) odious e) impudent
History is just ________ to me; all those names and dates run together
in my mind and I tune it out. a) condescending b) pariah
c) odious d) loathe e) blather
If there's one thing teachers ___________, it's __________ behavior.
a) guile/ecstatic b) odious/blather c) condescending/loathe
d) loathe/impudent e) vanquish/ecstatic
We will soon see that Huck Finn, being the son of the town drunk, is
a _________ in Tom's village, and all the mothers try to keep their kids
away from him. a) blather b) pariah c) odious
d) loathe e) vanquish
The players mobbed each other ___________(ally) after they won the World
Series. a) blather b) ecstatic c) furtive d)
odious e) loathe
She _________(ly) passed the note during class so the teacher wouldn't
see. a) condescending b) adamant c) guile d) odious
e) furtive
It was Dally's quick thinking and _______ that sent the fuzz to Texas
looking for the boys. a) condescending b) adamant c) guile
d) odious e) furtive
Pony got angry at Cherry in chapter 8 because he thought she was just
being ___________, trying to help out the poor little greasers.
a) ecstatic b) adamant c) guile d) odious e) condescending
Pink Sheet. Skip if exempt.
A pronoun that does not refer to a specific PPT is called a(n) __________
pronoun. a) antecedent b) plural c) proper d) indefinite
e) none of the above
Everybody brought ____________ lunch with a sandwich. a) his or her
b) their c) its
Getting to other galaxies seems impossible to _____ normal people
a) we b) us
Are _____ humans the only thinking entities in the universe?
a) we b) us
Mom and Aunt Rita were talking on the phone, but she could hardly hear
her. a) OK as is. b) Not OK as is.
I saw the movie, and then read the book, so I like it better. a)
OK as is. b) Not OK as is.
Bob and I are going to the game, so he bought tickets for us. a)
OK as is. b) Not OK as is.
Few in the group could say ______ sandwich was better than mine.
a) his or her b) their c) its
Neither of the teachers could deal with _______ class. a) his or her
b) their c) its
All of the food was still in _______ container. a) their b)
it's c) its d) none of the above
Tom Sawyer, Chapter 4.
What supposedly happened to the boy who had
won four or five Bible prizes? a) He died. b) He left town.
c) He lost his mind. d) Nothing. e) None of the above.
Who is the man with the book in the illustration?
a) the teacher (AKA: schoolmaster b) the Superintendant c)
the mayor d) the judge e) none of the above
Who is the boy? a) Tom b) the German
kid who memorized so many lines c) Jeff Thatcher d) Sid
e) none of the above
The boy is very nervous around the man. Choose
the correct quote that tells why. a) "He was 'showing off,' too."
b) "...mainly because he was her parent." c) "He was from
Constantinople, twelve miles away..." d) "It was the most stunning
surprise of the decade." e) None of the above.
(p28) "Tom...could not meet Amy Lawrence's eye,
he could not brook her loving gaze." WHY? a) He doesn't know
who she is. b) He's always hated her. c) She's a very strange
girl. d) He feels guilty. e) None of the above.
Tom really wants the Bible. a) True
b) False
The boys never realize that Tom scammed them
out of their tickets. a) True b) False
What does the last line of chapter 4 mean? a)
They closed the curtain in the church so they couldn't see any more.
b) Let's find out what happens to Tom in the next chapter. c) Let's
have a little sympathy for Tom, and not watch what will happen next
d) Let's pretend that Tom managed to figure another way out (again).
e) None of the above.