Vocabulary List #8. 10/13/14.
1) (Due Tuesday) Look up the definition of each word on learnersdictionary.com and copy it into your NOTEBOOK.
2) (Due Wednesday) Copy the sentence starter for each word into your NOTEBOOK and write an ending to the sentence, so that each sentence demonstrates the meaning of the word.
3) (Due Thursday) Create a cloze (fill in the blank with the proper word style) sentence for each word ON THIS SHEET (or on a shared Google Doc).
intrigue. Your idea intrigues me...
palpable. The excitement was palpable...
apprehensive. He was quite apprenhensive...
wheedle. He managed to wheedle...
sift. The police sifted through the evidence...
transgression. It was just a minor transgression...
aghast. She was aghast...
ebb. The morale of the fans was at its lowest ebb when...
nondescript. It was a nondescript building...
enhance. The image was enhanced...
supplementary. The class also had a supplementary text...
benevolent. He was a benevolent man...
Spelling List #4.
Roots/Prefixes: ject:_______,
sta/sti:______, dict/dic: ______, bene: ______, pen:
______, sub: ______, co: ______, pre: ______, super:
______, inter: _____, circum: ______, pro: ______
subterranean, institute, statue, projector, dependent, predicate, predicament, obstacle, superstition, prediction, circumstances, stanza, interjection, adjective, benefit, compensation, contradict, dictionary, constitution, dependable, projectile, substitute, supervise