1. When you pronounce this word, make sure to put the _____
on the first syllable. a) framework b) emphasis c) criteria
d) approximate e) attribute
2. It hasn't been long enough since the new homework policy
was ______(ed) to see if it works yet. a) confer b) promote
c) emphasis d) attribute e) institute
3. The band went on tour to ____ their new album.
a) emphasis b) contrast c) emerge d) promote e)
4. Don't work it out exactly, just try to _____ an answer.
a) approximate b) equate c) concentrate d) promote
e) institute
5. Since the poison was so _____(ed), it only took a tiny
bit to kill. a) equate b) emphasis c) attribute
d) promote e) concentrate
6. His brother's _____ whistling finally drove him crazy.
a) approximate b) constant c) emphasis d) tradition
e) dimension
# Her _______ of life is, "Live, and let live." a) criteria
b) philosophy c) attribute d) tradition e) promote
# He _______(ed) his success to listening to his seventh grade English
teacher. a) promote b) contrast c) institute d)
concentrate e) attribute
# All Ponyboy could see were the __________(s) between his life and
Cherry's. a) attribute b) framework c) tradition
d) contrast e) dimension
# If you don't wear _____ clothing, you will get cold. a) attribute
b) concentrate c) element d) adequate e) constant
# His lab is on the cutting edge of ___________(ing) technology.
a) emerge b) hence c) tradition d) equate e) contrast
# You will thank me, three years __________. a) promote b) hence
c) emerge d) approximate e) tradition