(Relatively) Brand New Writing Ideas!
  1. For a good time you should…
  2. What are the essentials of life? (poem?)
  3. Television is…
  4. Too many people...
  5. The good thing about it is…The bad thing about it is...
  6. I wonder how…
  7. Brainstorm a list of bumper sticker slogans!!
  8. *What is your favorite word, and why?
  9. *Make a bold prediction about something in the year 2020 that no one else has made a bold prediction about.
  10. * If you were reduced to living in a two-dimensional world, what would be your greatest problems? (Show!)
  11. Make a list of things you would never see in your front yard… (Poem?!!)
  12. Here is my wish list…(not just things!) and why.
  13. *Discuss something you just wish you understood better.
  14. Picture yourself at the age of 22. (You will probably graduate from high school at about 18.) What are you doing? Where are you living? Show your life. (Try showing several different versions: ideal, scary, funny, outrageous, worst case, etc.)
  15. If I could talk to my younger self, I would tell me...
  16. If you could invite 2-3 figures from history to dinner, whom would they be? Show the dinner, especially the conversation. (Example: Hitler, Jesus, Albert Einstein.)