Thursday, 11/15/01
Warm Up A. (6 minutes) In notebook. Copy.
  1. pirate : plunder :: predator : __________
  2. spend : mend :: spent : _________
  3. fomer : current :: current : ___________
  4. conjunction : join :: pronoun : __________
  5. Injun Joe : Doc Robinson :: Johnny : __________
Warm Up B. (6 minutes.) Sentence Scramble. Separate Sheet. Counts for 600 words. Punctuation counts! (There's almost no way to do #3 wrong.)
1a) the roast pig
1b) immediately stick
1c) when
1d) an apple
1e) is finished
1f) in its mouth   (15)
2a) crushed and crestfallen
2b) sneaked off
2c) and
2d) he gathered himself up    (10)
3a) on and on
3b) speechless with horror
3c) toward the village
3d) the two boys flew    (15)

Correct S.E Hinton Questions. Use red pens. Wrong answers = -1 each. 15pp.
1.(2) S.E. Hinton's hometown is TULSA, OKLAHOMA.
2.Why did her publishers suggest she use initials instead of her name? They feared their readers wouldn't respect a "macho" story written by a woman
3.(2) Does she regret doing this? Why or why not? No, "I don't mind  having two identities; in fact, I like keeping the writer part separate in some ways.
4.The Outsiders was one of the first books to... be about the real concerns and emotions of a teenager.
5.Why didn't she become a teacher? I don't have the nerve or physical stamina to teach," or   "I couldn't leave the kids and their problems behind me; I'd go home and worry about them."
6.How did her husband--then boyfriend--help her write That Was Then, This Is Now? refused to go out with her at night unless she wrote two pages during the day,
7.What was the inspiration for Rumble Fish? a photo of a boy on a motorcycle.
8.What do the movie versions of The Outsiders, Tex, and Rumblefish have in common? All have Matt Dillon in them.
9.How was Taming the Star Runner different from her other four books?  Not 1st person.
10.Why did she stop writing for a long time after that book? Nothing to say.
11.What do all her books, including the children's ones, have in common? Autobiographical.
12.(2) Name two things she likes to do in her spare time. Accept any two:  she rides her horse, takes courses at the university, and is involved in Nick's school, cook, playing piano

Tom Sawyer Reading Check. (5)

  1. (2) ""Mf! Some people think they're smart--always showing off!" (p86b, p80w) Who's talking? What's going on?
  2. (3) "Because if he'd 'a had one, she'd 'a burnt him one herself!" (p85b, p79w) Who's talking? What's going on? What does he/she mean?
  3. Bonus (EC +1) Why does Mark Twain call the boys "curiously inconsistent pirates"? (Last line of Chapter 13.) Hint: It also might be called ironic.

Rest of period:
Read Tom Sawyer/Work on Study Questions. Try to get ahead.
Work on Letter to Tom. (Check the book for use of slang and other language.)
Work on 600 words.