Tuesday, 12/10/02
Warm Up. Copy 1-4. For #5, tell which doesn't belong and why.
  1. *shortage : excess :: intermittent : __________
  2. *weak : hardy :: allow : _________
  3. *now : presently :: then : __________
  4. laugh (n or v) -----> __________ (adj)
  5. she, the, I, it, their
  6. What are the only two signs of Tom and Becky that the searchers find in the cave?
Pronouns--ID all the pronouns in each sentence. There are 13 pronouns total. Bonus: ID which word the
pronoun is subbing for. (13 found: +3, 11-12: +2, 9-10: +1)
  1. The passengers scrambled to find their luggage; they even got on their hands and knees to pick up the stuff.
  2. One guy asked, "Who owns a pink and yellow shirt? This isn't mine."
  3. "I lost my comb!" exclaimed one annoyed person. "Who has it?"
  4. "I was surprised that anyone could find anything in that pile," said a girl.
Editors Edit! Steps 3 and 4 should be finished today.
  1. Tom Sawyer
  2. Vocabulary
  3. MTP  Here's an example. I had better not see it turn up as someone else's work. 
  4. Crossword.
  5. 5 for name committee.
  6. Library w/disk to work on final draft