Wednesday, 3/3/04 -- Eighth Grade
Bring your paperback green literature book tomorrow!
Warm Up. Copy.
  1. * pirates : swagger :: _________ : grip
  2. * silly : sensible :: implicit : _________
  3. * "again fold thing" = ___________
  4. * "again feel" = ___________
  5. * simple : perplexing :: disagreement : ___________
  6. * guard : sentry :: mock-up : _________
  7. * simplicity : complexity :: well-rested : _________
Go over vocabulary homework.  Did you find and fix the error?
Vocabulary Pretest. There will be one word you don't use. You will use some more than once.
implicit, raucous, renounce, swagger, matronly, haggard, prodigy, inert, founder
  1. "The day my son Laurie started kindergarten he ____________(ed) corduroy overalls...and began wearing blue jeans with a belt."
  2. On many Mondays, students can be as _________ as bumps on a log.
  3. Second period is known for its __________ "discussions."
  4. The kid was a skateboard ____________; by the time he was 21, he was already retired.
  5. " sweet-voiced nursery-school tot replaced by a long-trousered, ___________(ing) character who forgot to stop at the corner and wave good-bye to me."
  6. Even though lead is a(n) _________ metal, the alchemists of old still tried to combine it with various things to make gold out of it.
  7. "Silence equals consent" is an expression that means if you don't say no, you are ________(ly) saying yes.
  8. After 27 years in business, the store began to __________ when Wal-Mart moved into town, and was soon out of business.
  9. destroy : reconstruct :: tiptoe : ___________
  10. At the PTA meeting, Laurie's mom didn't think any of the women looked _______ enough to be Charles's mother.
  11. Second period is making Mr. Coward ________ before his time.
"Charles" and the KBARR review.