Wednesday, 3/9/05 -- Early Release Schedule
Warm Up. Copy.
  1. candidate : speeches :: election : *____________
  2. vacuum : clean :: *__________ : measure
  3. promise : guarantee :: job : * ____________
  4. same : similar :: white : *____________
  5. tortoise : shell :: piston : * _________
  6. before : prior :: alien : * _________
Correct Vocabulary Homework

Vocabulary Pretest -- You will use some words more than once, you will not use them all.
gratification, (im)perishable, jeer, stupor, bode, wane/wax, wretch, oppress(ive), effusive, clamor(ous)

  1. After a while, interest in yoyos _________(ed) and some other fad took over.
  2. The echoes of Tom's shouts in the cave sounded like ________(ing) laughter that mocked them.
  3. Tom felt a little sorry for Injun Joe, "for he knew how this _________ had suffered."
  4. Tom went behind the limestone "waterfall" in order to use his candle to light it up for Becky's __________.
  5. You should refrigerate ________(s) like milk and eggs, because they quickly go bad if you don't.
  6. (2) As the month goes on, the moon will ________ until it is full, and then ________.
  7. When the boys came back from "the dead," Aunt Polly _________(ly) hugged and kissed Tom, and then embarrassed Huck by doing the same to him.
  8. The sub didn't have much control over the class, and there was quite a ________ when the principal walked in.
  9. Tom thought that Huck's dream about rats was a ________(ing) that trouble was ahead.
  10. Some people find the heat in the tropics _______. They find it's too hot for them to do much of anything.
Tom Sawyer.
Tom "going by the book..." / The irony of the Welshman's comment. / $12,000 =  about $250,000 in today's dollars, depending on how you compare. "out at 6%" = $1/day in interest = about $25/day.