Friday, 2/24/06
Prepare separate sheet for Quiz 2/24.
Mental Floss.
  1. It is known that water freezes from the top to the bottom. So, if you were to take a glass of water and put it in a freezer until it was half frozen, the bottom would not be frozen.

  2. My question is, what would happen if you started to freeze it when it was upside down?
  3. The same 3-letter word can be placed in front of the four following words to create a new word. What word?

  4. PUT
  5. Each sentence below contains a word that can be anagrammed to answer or describe the sentence. (Example: Opposite of unite.  Answer: Untie -- it's an anagram of the word unite.)

  6. a) A craft that might tip in the ocean.
    b) You cover a mattress with one of these.
    c) It could bring rain, but not necessarily.
  7. Starting with an empty barrel, put in order.
  8. Tommy began peeling a pile of 44 potatoes at the rate of 3 per minute. Four minutes later, Sam joined him, and peeled at the rate of 5 potatoes per minute. When they were finished, how many potatoes had each peeled?
Quiz 2/24.
Doodle Theme: