Tuesday, 3/14/06
Warm Up. Write out each title with appropriate punctuation. Some sentences might have more than one title.
  1. A Night to Remember is a movie about the sinking of the Titanic.
  2. Blitzkreig Bop is a song by The Ramones on their first album in 1976, which was called The Ramones.
  3. Sunday he watched The Simpsons on Fox Television.
  4. Chapter six of Tom Sawyer is called Tom Meets Becky.

Spelling Pretest #18.
Back Side (Titles) due tomorrow!

"Theme for English B" by Langston Hughes.

  1. What are your first reactions to this poem? (Like? Dislike? What kind of person wrote it? Theme? Lesson? Message?)
  2. Why do you think he spends so much of the poem explaining how he goes home?
  3. What point do you think he is trying to make when he describes what he likes?
  4. (1) The word "true" in line #5 most likely means: a) factually correct, b) truly personal and important, c) straight, d) believable.
  5. (1) Which of the following quotes best shows what Langston Hughes is probably trying to tell his teacher? (What is the theme of "Theme..."?) a) "That's American." b) "Being me, it will not be white." c) "I like to work, read, learn, and understand life." d) "I am the only colored student in my class." e) "although you're older--and white--and somewhat more free." f) c and e, g) none of the above.
  6. (1) YMCA stands for...

Due next Thursday:
"Go home and write
 a page tonight.
 And let that page come out of you—
 Then, it will be true."

Finish Test #17: due back by Friday.
Start on Titles h/w.