Wednesday, 5/24/06 -- Early Release Schedule. (15)
Mr. Morton?
Warm Up. ID the subject and the correct form of the verb.
  1. The soccer team (have, has) won the championship.
  2. Only half the club members (are, is) present.
  3. Only half the club (is, are) present.
  4. Sixty cents (is, are) the price for the cookie.
  5. Molasses (is, are) an ingredient in baked beans.
Finish "...Peanuts" questions.
Correct Vocabulary Homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.
ambiguous, genial, insatiable, repress, paraphernalia, profuse, perfunctory, vivid, encompass, boisterous
  1. (2) Normally, Mr. Coward is quite ____________ and smiling, but many times, after an especially _____________ first period, he is not.
  2. When first period asked what they were doing that day in class, Mr. Coward's answer was very ____________, and so they didn't know what to expect.
  3. Sam's curiosity is ______________; he just has to know everybody else's business.
  4. He seemed like he had no emotions, but he was just very good at keeping them __________(ed) and hidden.
  5. The colors on his new plasma tv were so __________ and lifelike, it was amazing.
  6. Yertle the Turtle claimed that his kingdom _____________(ed) everything he could see from the top of the stack of turtles.
  7. The science lab required a lot of ________________ , as well as an hour for set-up time.
  8. First period thanked Mr. Coward ______________(ly) when he had mercy on them, and didn't make them all write sentences 100 times.
  9. The guy working the roller coaster gave the same safety speech 100's of times a day, and so it got rather ____________, and he would recite it without thinking.
"The Lottery." by Shirley Jackson
"In (Nazi) Germany, they first came for the communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics. I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak up."     --Rev. Martin Niemöller (concentration camp survivor)

Have you ever participated in something with a group that you would never do if you were alone? Why? Why do people in groups act differently than they do alone?
Read aloud.
What's the setting? Do you get a feel for the when?